Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Show HN: Privera – The Analytics' Anonymization Proxy https://bit.ly/3aIRelE

Show HN: Privera – The Analytics' Anonymization Proxy https://bit.ly/3kknTRQ February 23, 2021 at 06:03PM

Show HN: SinglePageCloud.com one page showing all your ec2 instances globally. https://bit.ly/37GnR1q

Show HN: SinglePageCloud.com one page showing all your ec2 instances globally. https://bit.ly/3pIN2Xb February 23, 2021 at 08:01PM

Show HN: Track what you watch and see where to watch movies and shows https://bit.ly/2ZGKLkH

Show HN: Track what you watch and see where to watch movies and shows https://apple.co/2NRjV75 February 23, 2021 at 07:17PM

Launch HN: GreaseBoss (YC W21) – Real-time system to manage industrial greasing https://bit.ly/3knXP8f

Launch HN: GreaseBoss (YC W21) – Real-time system to manage industrial greasing We are Steve, Tim and Pete, the cofounders of GreaseBoss ( https://bit.ly/2Nosc2t ). GreaseBoss is a hardware and software system that verifies that the greasing of industrial equipment is completed on time and according to specification. Greasing, you say? Yup, you heard that right. Incorrect greasing is the number one cause for machinery failure on industrial sites. Industrial machinery failure costs the global economy $21B a year. Greasing is a big deal! We know this is an unsexy part of the economy, so we won’t judge you if you have never heard of a zerk (grease point) before. Some of our favourite places you can find zerks include super yachts - 200 zerks, private planes - 80 zerks, breweries - 2000 zerks, theme parks - 1500 zerks. Other places with lots of zerks include factories, mines, utilities, farm equipment, trucks and military vehicles. The idea for GreaseBoss came when Steve and Tim saw frequent machine breakdowns due to incorrect greasing while supporting mine sites in Outback Australia. This problem costs Australian mine sites hundreds of millions of dollars in lost productivity every year - disrupted production, spending on parts and labour for repairs. We built and tested our prototypes during the pandemic lockdowns on the back deck, over Zoom calls. We have now developed our MVP and have quit our jobs to chase GreaseBoss full time. On the hardware side: we put RFID tags that fit like washers under each zerk. These are read by a head unit that is retrofittable to existing grease guns, which includes a custom RFID reader integrated into the nozzle. It also includes a flow meter and supporting electronics. Our device has 4G, Wifi and LoRa for comms, but also operates in an offline mode for customers in remote locations. Our hardware is rugged, dust proof, and water proof for some of the toughest operational environments (and operators..) On the software side, we record each greasing in the cloud, right as the worker greases the zerk. Since most industry is still tracking this using paperwork, you can imagine how much more efficient this is. Our customers get back to production much faster. We are building a HaaS (Hardware as a Service - is that a thing?) business model: we charge customers upfront for the hardware and then a software subscription fee. We are experimenting with per zerk, per machine and per site pricing. We haven’t found the sweet spot yet. We have GreaseBoss installed at a large coal mine, a quarry and on excavators at the dump in Queensland, Australia. We also have a South African greasing contractor using our system. We will be online for the rest of the day answering your questions (we are in AEST timezone). We are very excited to receive your ideas, experiences and feedback! February 23, 2021 at 07:11PM

Show HN: Recollec – Faster and Easier Remote Employee Onboardings https://bit.ly/3aMzHZV

Show HN: Recollec – Faster and Easier Remote Employee Onboardings Hey Everyone, My name is Firat, I’m the co-founder of Recollec [https://bit.ly/2NvLsec]. It’s a collaborative workspace for employee onboarding and upskilling. More and more companies announcing that they are going all remote. Given the conditions, we realized how hard it is to make employee onboarding training. It usually happens in the endless zoom calls, back and forth... Yet, most of these calls can be archived for another onboarding. Also, there are thousands of free content out there which you can redirect your employees to learn by themselves. So we build Recollec which is a collaborative workspace where every employee can share most useful content from various resources in one feed, and turn them into learning paths to create interactive onboarding experiences. To be honest, I was hoping to find some folks who have a problem with the employee onboarding process at their work. I really could use some help and feedback right now. I know your time is valuable, and I absolutely don’t want to waste it. So, maybe we could find a way to create a tailor made solution for your onboarding process at work, and save some time for you. Here’s our demo: https://bit.ly/3utmugb You can reach me out at firat@recollec.com Thanks everyone February 23, 2021 at 07:10PM

Show HN: Generate a 3D model that looks like you and apply AR animations effects https://bit.ly/3pID1cx

Show HN: Generate a 3D model that looks like you and apply AR animations effects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCEGx-thXD4 February 23, 2021 at 05:44PM

Show HN: A coding coach to help you write better code faster https://bit.ly/3kiAhkY

Show HN: A coding coach to help you write better code faster Hey HN! I’m Julien, the founder of Code Inspector, a platform that helps developers and managers produce better code and reduce technical debt. We would love to get some feedback from the Hacker News community. Our platform inspects code, looks for defects (security, vulnerability, design, performance, lack of documentation), automates code reviews and reports on team activity. You can customize violation alerts to reduce false positives. We currently support GitHub, Bitbucket and Gitlab. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you would expect from such a platform (what you like, dislike) and what could help developers produce better code. Thanks for reading thus far and hope to hear from the HN community. - Code Inspector: https://bit.ly/3bvv31q - GitHub App: https://bit.ly/2NU5fUq - Bitbucket App: https://bit.ly/3ujNz5s February 23, 2021 at 06:31PM

Show HN: Test your Gitlab CI Pipelines changes locally using Docker https://bit.ly/2NTY6n6

Show HN: Test your Gitlab CI Pipelines changes locally using Docker https://bit.ly/3unxAmV February 23, 2021 at 01:47PM

Launch HN: Abacum (YC W21) – Easy collaboration and reporting for finance teams https://bit.ly/2NPFCo2

Launch HN: Abacum (YC W21) – Easy collaboration and reporting for finance teams Hi HN! We're Jorge and Julio, cofounders of Abacum ( https://bit.ly/37IpFHk ). We're not sure how many fintech geeks like us are on HN but we're very excited to launch to you guys anyway! Abacum makes it easier for Finance teams to access real-time data, collaborate and generate reports. Think of having all the operational and financial data modeled in one place, and of the Finance team easily sharing and collecting information for other teams to make faster, better decisions. Scale ups have unique finance needs. First, they have spent the last years growing unnaturally fast, held together by a mixture of google sheets, csv files, a disconnected tech stack and a lot of copy paste. Second, growing 4x a year means that historical data is out of date within 3 months. Finally, with so many channels to stay connected, it's impossible to find where the Tech Lead shared that key assumption for the board forecast. Both Jorge and I have lived these experiences - we've spent too many long nights and days in number-crunching, without the proper time to analyze the data and to provide insights, becoming the key business partner we wanted. So yes, in the middle of the lockdown with 3 children each decided to leave everything to build the product we wish we had! Abacum can now connect to any data source, update a business plan automatically and give you finance specific tools to help you do what you need to. Think performance and pivot tables, cohort and waterfall graphs, and ways to easily collaborate. Our engine provides the flexibility of excel while minimizing human errors, reducing fears of breaking "the model" and scaling up to and past IPO size. We're big believers that collaboration, and not the business model, needs to be placed at the center of the product. Everything we built in Abacum is easily shareable and built to be easily understood by non-finance professionals. Ask (or remind) others in your company to collaborate, be it for updating forecasts or commenting on reporting decks, right where the needed context is. We've also set up different workflows for customers to easily gather the data bottom-up from different teams. We are constantly looking to improve Abacum, so we'd love to hear any feedback, questions or wisdom you have to share with us! We'd love to show you (or anybody that you think may be interested) a 10' demo of our product - please let us know and we'll reach out. Thanks so much, HN! February 23, 2021 at 02:20PM

Show HN: GPT-3 resources, examples, and use cases https://bit.ly/37I8Dc6

Show HN: GPT-3 resources, examples, and use cases https://bit.ly/3jcaafl February 23, 2021 at 12:04PM

Show HN: MobX-Style Observables in Svelte https://bit.ly/3ke0BNn

Show HN: MobX-Style Observables in Svelte https://bit.ly/3uoZNtF February 23, 2021 at 09:29AM

Monday, 22 February 2021

Show HN: Constexpr.js https://bit.ly/3urbD6o

Show HN: Constexpr.js https://bit.ly/2ZFSI9R February 23, 2021 at 03:24AM

Show HN: Community of professionals, with satisfaction and transparency at core https://bit.ly/3dExT7c

Show HN: Community of professionals, with satisfaction and transparency at core https://bit.ly/3kc6jPR February 23, 2021 at 02:58AM

Show HN: Recursive – A puzzle game about recursion, patterns, and programming https://bit.ly/3qJ0mfy

Show HN: Recursive – A puzzle game about recursion, patterns, and programming https://apple.co/3aGS3eM February 22, 2021 at 08:51PM

Show HN: Note, my simple command line note taking app https://bit.ly/2MeoI1L

Show HN: Note, my simple command line note taking app https://bit.ly/3uxQjfQ February 22, 2021 at 07:19PM

Launch HN: Wyndly (YC W21) – Allergy relief through at-home oral drops https://bit.ly/3aIN5OI

Launch HN: Wyndly (YC W21) – Allergy relief through at-home oral drops Hi HN, I’m Aakash, and I’m a long time HN reader. My cousin Manan and I are excited to share our startup Wyndly ( https://bit.ly/3aEMltQ ) with HN today. Wyndly is focused on making long-term allergy relief convenient through at-home allergy immunotherapy drops and telemedicine. These personalized oral drops train your immune systems to stop reacting to allergy triggers like pollen, pets, or dust. Manan is an ear-nose-and-throat surgeon and allergy doctor, and in his physical practice, he’s treated thousands of patients with at-home allergy drops, a form of allergy immunotherapy. During allergy immunotherapy, you gradually introduce your immune system to your allergy triggers. Over time, your immune system learns to tolerate these allergy triggers and stops reacting to them. For patients, this means greatly reduced allergy symptoms and long-term relief [1] without any other medicine for years after patients finish their immunotherapy. While allergy drops are 80% of allergy immunotherapy in some European countries, in the United States, allergy drops are just 5.9% of allergy immunotherapy prescriptions [2] and are really only available in university hospitals like Johns Hopkins, University of Pittsburgh, and West Virginia University [3] [4] [5]. Part of the reason for their limited availability is physician training, and another part is the health insurance system’s incentives. Most allergy doctors were trained on allergy shots, and prescribe what they are most experienced with. Additionally, health insurance programs incentivize prescribing allergy shots. In his medical training, Manan trained on both allergy drops and shots. When Manan gave his patients the choice between at-home allergy drops and allergy shots, his patients always chose drops, which are safer, convenient, and don’t require needles [6]. When Covid-19 hit Denver in March 2020, Manan switched all of his allergy drop patients to online care to continue treatment. After shelter-in-place was lifted, his patients continued online care due to the convenience, which told us one thing—patients preferred and were comfortable with telemedicine for allergy care. And that's why we started Wyndly. We’re trying to make allergy immunotherapy convenient and affordable, so that any one of the 60 million people in America suffering from allergies has the opportunity to get lifelong relief—just like braces straighten your teeth and Lasik fixes your vision. We’ve done our best to make our patient experience as easy as possible. First, we learn more about you and your allergy history. Then, our medical team creates a personalized treatment plan with treatment sent straight to your door. Most patients notice benefits at 6 months, and some patients have reported allergy symptom relief as early as 6 weeks [7]. Patients lock-in lifelong allergy relief after a few years [1]. Throughout this time, we stay in touch with the patient to work with them towards allergy relief. Please let us know if you have more questions or feedback. We love talking about the science behind allergy immunotherapy, our treatment model, and what we’re doing. We're happy to answer any questions! [1] Long-lasting effects of sublingual immunotherapy according to its duration: a 15-year prospective study https://bit.ly/37AR6mo [2] Comparison of allergen immunotherapy practice patterns in the United States and Europe https://bit.ly/3aNssB3 [3] Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) for Allergy Treatment: Johns Hopkins | Q&A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpWomI4iPLY [4] Benefits of Sublingual Immunotherapy | UPMC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpP41WQ6pBc [5] Sublingual Immunotherapy: An Alternative to Allergy Shots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THszgnYNM1I [6] Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneous and Sublingual Immunotherapy for Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis and Asthma https://bit.ly/3sfpwms [7] Clinical improvement after escalation for sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) https://bit.ly/37CExXM February 22, 2021 at 07:00PM

Show HN: Call a Dev – Pay Stack Overflow users $1/min for live programming help https://bit.ly/3dFysgO

Show HN: Call a Dev – Pay Stack Overflow users $1/min for live programming help https://bit.ly/3dCLqfa February 22, 2021 at 05:59PM

Show HN: Summarizing product reviews into simple bullet-point lists with GPT-3 https://bit.ly/3dz3LKg

Show HN: Summarizing product reviews into simple bullet-point lists with GPT-3 https://bit.ly/3uov6EL February 22, 2021 at 03:17PM

Show HN: Scroll – A New Way to Publish https://bit.ly/3aIBFKP

Show HN: Scroll – A New Way to Publish https://bit.ly/3bw2m4A February 22, 2021 at 05:29PM

Show HN: A no-code billing platform, all under your own domain. https://bit.ly/2NNsSOL

Show HN: A no-code billing platform, all under your own domain. https://bit.ly/3umk5nE February 22, 2021 at 03:47PM