Wednesday 12 June 2024

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Show HN: I gamified AI logo generation for better designs

Show HN: I gamified AI logo generation for better designs I recently quit my job at a decent TTS company I was working for as a software developer advocate to pursue what I have always enjoyed doing, which is creating software that is helpful. Before and after quitting my job, I have always found it expensive and time-consuming to hire a designer that can come up with a decent logo for my software, and as a software engineer, I really enjoy coding, not designing. One day, I made a pretty bold move to design a logo, and it took me a whole day to come up with a logo that looks nice. This is the reason I built Owl AI, a logo generator that generates top-notch logos using GPT-4o and Dalle-3. With OwlAI, I was able to build reliable software that would make my life much easier by allowing me to focus on my specialty, which is coding and definitely not designing. OwlAI is available for everyone to try out. Give me your honest feedback, and I promise I will respond to every single comment and make improvements. June 11, 2024 at 11:50PM

Show HN: AI Agent System to Analyze ArXiv AI Papers

Show HN: AI Agent System to Analyze ArXiv AI Papers Building a multi-agent system to analyze new AI research papers from 3 distinct perspectives: - Deep learning researcher agent: extract interesting deep learning methods that are related to paper - Theoretical mathematician agent: figure out theoretical mathematical concepts that are important in this paper and additional theoretical references that will be useful in understanding it - Skeptic agent: find unjustified assumptions that lack supporting evidence For this mvp, I used low-code agent platform StackAI (YC W23) and wrote about my process: June 12, 2024 at 03:53AM

Show HN: Collaborative ASCII Drawing with Telnet

Show HN: Collaborative ASCII Drawing with Telnet June 10, 2024 at 02:58PM

Show HN: Epidemik a Python package for epidemic simulation

Show HN: Epidemik a Python package for epidemic simulation Hi everyone, I'm happy to share `epidemik`, a Python package for epidemic modeling. Epidemik, currently supports: - Homogeneously mixed Model: Easily define compartmental models by just specifying the transitions and rates - Age Structure: Convert any compartmental model to an age-structured model by simply adding an age contact matrix and a the population of each age group - Network Model: Easily define epidemic models running over an arbitrary network structure - Meta-Population Models: Define metapopulation model In a previous life (circa 2008-2012), I worked as the leading developer for a large-scale epidemic model so when CoVID hit I wrote a series of blog posts (see ) working through the mechanics of how this kind of model works. Epidemik is the result of all the code that got written during the lockdowns, and in the years since that, I finally cleaned up and decided to publish it in case others find it useful (perhaps as a teaching tool?) This is my first package, so feedback, comments and suggestions are definitely welcome. June 11, 2024 at 08:11PM

Show HN: I combined gpt4 and tailwind to create a website builder for developers

Show HN: I combined gpt4 and tailwind to create a website builder for developers Hey HN, As a freelance web developer, I've been on the lookout for the perfect static site generator that prioritizes modern design, lightning-fast loading speed, and complete code ownership. I've grown increasingly frustrated with the limitations of popular website builders like Webflow and Framer. Sure, they make the design process easier, but when it comes to having full control over the source code and customizing every little detail, they just don't cut it. I was tired of being locked into walled gardens and dealing with bloated frameworks just to display a simple site. That's why I created InstaWebAI – a static site generator that harnesses the power of AI and Tailwind CSS to create stunning, responsive websites without the unnecessary baggage. With InstaWebAI, you can: Generate blazing-fast static sites from simple text input Enjoy a modern, sleek design right out of the box Customize every aspect of your site using Tailwind CSS Export your code and host it anywhere, ensuring complete control Benefit from a lightweight, self-contained solution without relying on external frameworks As a solo founder, I built InstaWebAI to address my own frustrations and needs as a developer. But I quickly realized that many of my fellow devs were facing the same challenges. InstaWebAI is designed to make your life easier, whether you're building a personal portfolio, a client project, or a complex web application. If you're a developer who values speed, control, and modern design, give InstaWebAI a try. I'd love to hear your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions. Your input is crucial in shaping the future of InstaWebAI and making it the go-to static site generator for developers like us. Thanks for checking out my project! Cheers, Brian Founder of InstaWebAI June 11, 2024 at 08:15AM

Show HN: Comparing various contrastive losses on text and vision embeddings

Show HN: Comparing various contrastive losses on text and vision embeddings June 11, 2024 at 02:54AM

Monday 10 June 2024

Show HN: Text2Infographic – AI Infographic Generator

Show HN: Text2Infographic – AI Infographic Generator June 10, 2024 at 08:32PM

Show HN: Summarize Anything, Forget Nothing

Show HN: Summarize Anything, Forget Nothing You likely forget 90% of the content you consume within a week. I built Recall to fix this. Recall summarizes online content, connects it in a knowledge graph and resurfaces it on a schedule tailored to your learning curve helping you remember the information you care about. June 10, 2024 at 11:05PM

Show HN: Turn any number into a complicated math expression

Show HN: Turn any number into a complicated math expression Credit goes to the contributors of for making the tool's core. June 9, 2024 at 11:00PM

Sunday 9 June 2024

Show HN: Using the djb2 hash to map IP addresses to readable words for the lulz

Show HN: Using the djb2 hash to map IP addresses to readable words for the lulz Hi HN, This is more or less a fun experiment that I thought was worth sharing. Using Daniel J. Bernstein's [1] djb2 hash that he made when he was only 20 years old in 1991, we map names to hashes and provide reverse mappings using an english word list from dwyl [2]. You can see it here: Hamon (ハモン not 刃文) is derived from HAsh MOdulo Name. I hope you like it [3]! [1] The Cypherpunk Super Hero, [2] [3] Probably minimal real life use cases. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ June 10, 2024 at 01:23AM

Show HN: I Build an AI-Powered API That Instantly Obtains Website Information

Show HN: I Build an AI-Powered API That Instantly Obtains Website Information I built SiteProfile( to simplify how we access detailed website information. The main feature of SiteProfile is that you can obtain all relevant website information with a single, simple API call. With one API call, you can immediately get the following information: 1.Real-time Webpage Screenshots Instantly capture real-time screenshots in both PC or Mobile views. 2. AI-Generated Content: Generate content based on user prompts and website data, e.g. Describe the core functions of this website. 3.Comprehensive Website Info: Social Media Links, Contact Info, Basic Details, and Assets, all in one place. With just this API, you can instantly create an ai directory or similar website. SiteProfile is currently in the testing phase. During this period, all subscriptions are discounted. There are still a few minor issues, and I’m working hard to fix them. If you try it out, please let me know if you found it useful, if you have anything you’d like me to add, or if you have any other feedback. And if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer. Much appreciated. June 10, 2024 at 02:17AM

Show HN: Clip2qr: displays whatever URL or file is in clipboard as a QR code

Show HN: Clip2qr: displays whatever URL or file is in clipboard as a QR code June 10, 2024 at 12:38AM

Show HN: A self-generalizing, hyperparameter-free gradient boosting machine

Show HN: A self-generalizing, hyperparameter-free gradient boosting machine PerpetualBooster is a gradient boosting machine (GBM) algorithm which doesn't have hyperparameters to be tuned so that you can use it without needing hyperparameter optimization packages unlike other GBM algorithms. Similar to AutoML libraries, it has a budget parameter which ranges between (0, 1). Increasing the budget parameter increases predictive power of the algorithm and gives better results on unseen data. June 9, 2024 at 09:02AM

Saturday 8 June 2024

Show HN: I Built My Product with Next.js After Getting Scammed by LegalZoom

Show HN: I Built My Product with Next.js After Getting Scammed by LegalZoom Hi HN, When I was 16, three years ago, I got overcharged by LegalZoom for setting up an LLC. They made it seem more complicated than it is. You can actually do it yourself using your state's Secretary of State website. I made StateSmart to teach people the whole process. It covers: Understand the costs: Understanding all fees. Agent tips: Help with choosing a registered agent or becoming your own. Step-by-step instructions: Clear guidance on each document you need to file. Compliance: Tips on how to stay compliant with annual reports and filings. Everything online: All instructions and resources are available online. LegalZoom charged me hundreds for something you can do yourself. StateSmart helps you save money and stay in control. I built StateSmart using Next.js, Stripe, and Vercel. Thanks! Antonio June 9, 2024 at 02:39AM

Show HN: I wrote a partial re-implementation of DirectMusic

Show HN: I wrote a partial re-implementation of DirectMusic DirectMusic[1] is a deprecated Windows API for playing dynamic music scores authored using DirectMusic Producer[2]. It was originally released as part of DirectX in 1999 and discontinued with the release in Windows Vista around 2009-ish. Due to my involvement with projects[3] re-implementing an old game engine for the early 2000's games Gothic and Gothic II[4], I came to notice that existing solutions[5] were incorrect and hard to use. Thus, I was tasked with writing a new, correct re-implementation of the API. Today, my re-implementation is able to (mostly) play back so-called style-based segments[6] and is fully tested against both the Gothic and Gothic II soundtracks. I am actively working on getting the Lego Island 2 soundtrack working as well. There are many features of DirectMusic which the library does not currently support, simply because I have not been able to find or test soundtracks using them, so if you want to contribute, I'd love to know about software shipping with DirectMusic soundtracks! [1]: [2]: [3]: Specifically GothicVR ( ) and OpenGothic ( ) through my ZenKit library ( ) [4]: [5]: There is libdmusic ( ) which is unmaintained and an embedded implementation in OpenGothic ( ) [6]: June 8, 2024 at 11:02AM

Show HN: I built job search platform for Architects

Show HN: I built job search platform for Architects Hi HN, I started my solopreneur journey this year and I’d like to share something I’ve been working on: ArchGee - a job search platform for architects, interior designers, urban planners, and other professionals in the architecture field. Coming from an IT background, I’ve seen plenty of job boards for IT roles. However, my architect friends often struggle to find job opportunities specific to their unique skills. Archgee is designed to fill this gap. It’s tailored exclusively for the architecture community, making it easier to find relevant opportunities. At first I am planning to integrate jobs from other search platforms (jobs that are relevant to architecture), then partnering with industry companies to ensure high-quality job posts and aim to create a supportive space for networking and growth. I’m here to seek your thoughts and feedback. Mirza June 8, 2024 at 08:10PM

Show HN: Speed up your Postgres queries by upto 90%

Show HN: Speed up your Postgres queries by upto 90% June 8, 2024 at 03:46PM

Show HN: MARS5, open-source, insanely prosodic TTS model

Show HN: MARS5, open-source, insanely prosodic TTS model Hey guys, This is Akshat from CAMB.AI. Today's we're super pumped to introduce MARS5, a fully open-source (commercially usable) TTS with break-through prosody and realism available on our Github: Watch our release demo here: Why is it different? MARS5 is able to replicate performances (from 2-3s of audio reference) in 140+ languages, even for extremely tough prosodic scenarios like sports commentary, movies, anime and more; hard prosody that most closed-source and open-source TTS models struggle with today. We're excited for you to try, build on and use MARS5 for research and creative applications. Let us know any feedback on our Discord: June 8, 2024 at 10:45AM

Friday 7 June 2024