Monday 12 August 2024

Show HN: I spent days curating concert films in Spatial Audio (Dolby Atmos/5.1)

Show HN: I spent days curating concert films in Spatial Audio (Dolby Atmos/5.1) Hey, I spent days digging and curating concert films in Spatial Audio -- so you don't have to! I'm really into immersive audio and live music but couldn't easily find concert films to watch. I had to jump from app to app and dig deep into Amazon and Google to find cool stuff. So I hope that it makes your life better and that you'll find a concert you want to watch. Happy to send you personalized concert recommendations, feel free to comment or to send me an email with some of your favorite artists :) Thank you, Ax August 12, 2024 at 10:49PM

Show HN: Llmq – Pipe stuff in the shell to AI

Show HN: Llmq – Pipe stuff in the shell to AI I just put this together real quick and am finding it useful. Sharing in case anyone else would benefit from it. August 12, 2024 at 06:42PM

Sunday 11 August 2024

Show HN: Open-source React chart component library

Show HN: Open-source React chart component library August 12, 2024 at 03:22AM

Show HN: Copy-Paste from Webflow into Webstudio

Show HN: Copy-Paste from Webflow into Webstudio August 12, 2024 at 03:41AM

Show HN: Multilspy – Cross platform framework to develop Language Server Clients

Show HN: Multilspy – Cross platform framework to develop Language Server Clients multilspy is a cross-platform library designed to simplify the process of creating language server clients to query and obtain results of various static analyses from a wide variety of language servers that communicate over the Language Server Protocol. It is easily extensible to support any language that has a Language Server and currently supports Java, Rust, C# and Python. We aim to continuously add support for more language servers and languages. Language servers are tools that perform a variety of static analyses on code repositories and provide useful information such as type-directed code completion suggestions, symbol definition locations, symbol references, etc., over the Language Server Protocol (LSP). Since LSP is language-agnostic, multilspy can provide the results for static analyses of code in different languages over a common interface. multilspy intends to ease the process of using language servers, by handling various steps in using a language server: * Automatically handling the download of platform-specific server binaries, and setup/teardown of language servers * Handling JSON-RPC based communication between the client and the server * Maintaining and passing hand-tuned server and language specific configuration parameters * Providing a simple API to the user, while executing all steps of server-specific protocol steps to execute the query/request. Some of the analyses results that multilspy can provide are: * Finding the definition of a function or a class (textDocument/definition) * Finding the callers of a function or the instantiations of a class (textDocument/references) * Providing type-based dereference completions (textDocument/completion) * Getting information displayed when hovering over symbols, like method signature (textDocument/hover) * Getting list/tree of all symbols defined in a given file, along with symbol type like class, method, etc. (textDocument/documentSymbol) Use of multilspy in AI4Code Scenarios like Monitor-Guided Decoding multilspy provides all the features that language-server-protocol provides to IDEs like VSCode. It is useful to develop toolsets that can interface with AI systems like Large Language Models (LLM). One such usecase is Monitor-Guided Decoding, where multilspy is used to find results of static analyses like type-directed completions, to guide the token-by-token generation of code using an LLM, ensuring that all generated identifier/method names are valid in the context of the repository, significantly boosting the compilability of generated code. MGD also demonstrates use of multilspy to create monitors that ensure all function calls in LLM generated code receive correct number of arguments, and that functions of an object are called in the right order following a protocol (like not calling "read" before "open" on a file object). August 11, 2024 at 07:10PM

Show HN: PackPack.AI - An AI-Driven Bookmark Manager Tool. Pocket Alternative

Show HN: PackPack.AI - An AI-Driven Bookmark Manager Tool. Pocket Alternative August 11, 2024 at 07:23PM

Show HN: Effortless Shadcn and Tailwind Color Theme Generator

Show HN: Effortless Shadcn and Tailwind Color Theme Generator With an easy-to-use interface and some useful features, you'll effortlessly create custom Shadcn themes from any image or color you love. Then your can test color palette on a page template, not just components. August 11, 2024 at 11:09AM

Show HN: Vercel Proxy Sites to Mirror Any Website Using Vercel

Show HN: Vercel Proxy Sites to Mirror Any Website Using Vercel # Vercel Proxy Sites A powerful and flexible website mirroring tool leveraging Vercel's serverless platform. ## Key Features - Free to use with Vercel's generous free tier - Mirror any website effortlessly - Quick deployment on Vercel's global edge network - Support for custom domains - Automated deployment via GitHub integration - Enhanced privacy and security - Bypass geographical restrictions - Improved access speed with edge caching ## Quick Start 1. Fork this repository 2. Sign up for a Vercel account if you haven't already 3. Import your forked repository to Vercel 4. Configure your environment variables 5. Deploy and enjoy your mirrored site! ## Configuration Easily customize your proxy settings through environment variables: - `SITE_URL`: The URL of the site you want to mirror - `ALLOW_ROBOTS`: Set to 'true' if you want to allow search engine crawlers ## How It Works This tool uses Vercel's serverless functions to act as a reverse proxy, fetching content from the original site and serving it through Vercel's global CDN. This approach offers improved performance, enhanced privacy, and the ability to bypass certain restrictions. ## Disclaimer This tool is for educational and personal use only. Users are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations. The developers are not liable for any misuse or legal consequences. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests. ## Documentation For more detailed information on setup, configuration, and usage, please refer to our [Wiki](link-to-wiki). ## Support If you encounter any problems or have questions, please [open an issue](link-to-issues). ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. Leverage the power of Vercel to create fast, secure, and easily deployable proxy sites! August 11, 2024 at 06:50AM

Show HN: Index and search *all* your documents

Show HN: Index and search *all* your documents Hey HN! I've build a simple tool to index and search your documents. This uses two great open source libraries: apache tika (for extracting content from docs) and apache lucene (for searching). It's been built with kotlin ktor as a web framework. You can index all kind of files (i.e doc, docx, xls, ppt, pdf, txt, html even ORC pdfs) and then search them using very advanced queries like "always contain X", "never contain X", "X near Y", wildcard search, proper stemming support etc. We're using it on my work where we have hundreds of thousands of doc/docx/pdf files and it works flawlessly! August 11, 2024 at 11:14AM

Saturday 10 August 2024

Show HN: Rust GUI Library via Flutter

Show HN: Rust GUI Library via Flutter Hi, I made a bridge ( v2.0.0) between Flutter and Rust, which auto translates syntaxes like arbitrary types, &mut, async, traits, results, closure (callback), lifetimes, etc. The goal is to make a bridge between the two, seamlessly as if working in one single language. Then, as an example, I showed how to write Rust applications with GUI by utilizing Flutter. That is discussed in the link in details. To play with it, please visit the GitHub repo, or refer to the end of the article for detailed folders and commands. When I first released 1.0.0 years ago, it only contained few features compared to today. It is the result of the hard work of contributors and me, and many thanks to all the contributors! August 11, 2024 at 03:55AM

Show HN: I created a self-typing typewriter (and connected it to an LLM)

Show HN: I created a self-typing typewriter (and connected it to an LLM) Hi HN! I've been tinkering on a programmatically controlled typewriter. I've got a working prototype and it's been a lot of fun to play with. Of course I connected it to ChatGPT so I can chat with it, and I also have it acting as a clock, but it doesn't just type out the time. It writes a poem about the time. I'm posting this to gauge interest in purchasing one. It's all handmade, so I can't scale it up, but if enough people are into it, I might make a small batch. Or maybe sell it as a kit for the DIY crowd. Anyway, just wanted to put it out there and see what you all think. Thanks for checking it out! August 10, 2024 at 03:27PM

Show HN: A scalable clipboard manager for Linux

Show HN: A scalable clipboard manager for Linux This is incredibly over-engineered, but it was quite a fun process. :) August 10, 2024 at 03:57AM

Show HN: I made a website to create and customize quotes

Show HN: I made a website to create and customize quotes August 10, 2024 at 09:44AM

Friday 9 August 2024

Show HN: NVIDIA GPU Munin Plugin – Simple Python-Based GPU Monitoring

Show HN: NVIDIA GPU Munin Plugin – Simple Python-Based GPU Monitoring I created a Munin plugin for monitoring NVIDIA GPUs that aims to be simple, modern, and dependency-free. As a fellow enthusiast and sysadmin, I found existing solutions either had complex dependencies or didn't work reliably. This led me to develop this Python-based plugin. Key features: - Multi-GPU support - Monitors memory usage, temperature, power draw, and GPU utilization - Uses only Python 3 and nvidia-smi (no additional dependencies) - Easy to install and integrate with existing Munin setups The plugin is designed for Linux environments and is available under the MIT License. It's particularly useful for those who already have Munin installations and want to add GPU monitoring without much hassle. (I love Grafana and Netdata too, but still find Munin useful for really simple setups.) GitHub: I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. I'd also gladly accept any contributions for additional metrics you may want to add. August 9, 2024 at 08:17PM

Thursday 8 August 2024

Show HN: AutoDocument – Multi-Source Document Generation

Show HN: AutoDocument – Multi-Source Document Generation Hi there, this post is introducing AutoDocument, a free and open-source document generating web app that connects spreadsheets, databases and user forms into documents such as Microsoft Word and PDFs. It's based on fantastic open sources libraries like and headless LibreOffice. Mail Merge is a pain because it: - Only converts from Excel to Word - Uses special field objects in the Word document - Requires a Microsoft Office License - Has limited templating options AutoDocument is a free and easily installable web app that can setup reusable Workflows that convert data from a variety of sources including straight from databases and spreadsheets to several types of outputs, including Word and PDFs. It only uses text based fields such as "" instead of special objects. It can deal with logical blocks of text and loops to populate flexible templates including lists and tables. Features - Create (optional) user forms to kick off a workflow and link to your users - Load and save data, templates and output from windows and linux network mounts, as well as S3 and SharePoint libraries. - Powerful templating based on jinja2 and python-docx-template with logic blocks (like if, while etc) as well as standard field substitution. - Chain sources together like forms, spreadsheets and SQL queries to create clever workflows Easily installed by running the container: Repo: Documentation: Landing Page: Container: August 9, 2024 at 01:07AM

Show HN: SpecOS – A 64 bit OS kernel from scratch

Show HN: SpecOS – A 64 bit OS kernel from scratch August 9, 2024 at 12:57AM

Show HN: InnoDB_rs – InnoDB Recovery Toolkit in Rust

Show HN: InnoDB_rs – InnoDB Recovery Toolkit in Rust I recently had the "opportunity" to recover a database from being accidentally `rm -rf`'ed. In the process decided the best route is to implement InnoDB storage format and scan the disk for any and all record we can still find. August 9, 2024 at 12:28AM

Show HN: I built interactive map of active and decommissioned nuclear stations

Show HN: I built interactive map of active and decommissioned nuclear stations Hi all, I am not an expert in nuclear energy but I've always wondered and found it difficult to get a clear picture about the amount of nuclear stations located in a specific region. So I built this tool that shows all the nuclear plants in the world, scaled by their capacity and with indication of their status. Clustering is enabled by default and allows to see the sum potential capacity of a region. It's a fun tool for me: e.g. disable clustering, scale circle radius to 70%, go to EU, and you'll see Germany has shutdown all of the stations. Ofc it's a widely known fact, but what came to my surprise is that Poland, Turkey, Scandinavian countries, Africa have literally 1 to none nuclear stations. Which is kinda strange because some of these regions are modern, well-developed, and Africa specifically was sourcing lots of nuclear fuel for other countries other the years. idk what to do with it yet, but I think I'll come up with ideas for future improvements as I believe nuclear sector will grow drastically. August 8, 2024 at 08:40AM

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Show HN: I Built an Open Graph Image Kit for Next.js with Tailwind Customization

Show HN: I Built an Open Graph Image Kit for Next.js with Tailwind Customization August 8, 2024 at 04:56AM

Show HN: OllamaAgents – Your Natural Language Gateway to Linux Mastery

Show HN: OllamaAgents – Your Natural Language Gateway to Linux Mastery OllamaAgents is a TypeScript-based CLI application that provides a Linux command interpreter using the Ollama API. It converts natural language queries into appropriate Linux commands, executing them if requested, offering explanations and cautions when necessary. August 8, 2024 at 01:04AM