Monday 17 June 2024

Show HN: Assistants Hub – A Portal for Building AI Assistants

Show HN: Assistants Hub – A Portal for Building AI Assistants Hello HN Folks, I started working on Assistants Hub to solve a personal need, creating math assistants for my 3rd and 7th graders. I wanted to see what they were asking the AI at the same time, also make it super easy to get to it (with a link I can bookmark on their Chromebooks) without signing up or remembering things. They liked it, and used it to learn concepts well I expanded on the idea and felt like GPTs and AI assistants are underutilized in many fields due to the technical barriers involved in creating and distributing them. Assistants Hub is an effort to democratize this process, enabling even non-tech savvy users to build and deploy AI assistants tailored to diverse needs and domains. Best of all it is Open Source - Docs - Web - Here are some sample personal assistants you can try with a link Personal Motivator - 7th Grade Math Tutor - Story Sprout - Kids Story Teller - British Slang Converter - 2nd Grade Math Tutor - Einstein Assistant - Tells you all about Dr.Einstein - Primary goal is to add transparency and controls to the buyer (person paying for the AI) at the same time, make it super easy for the consumer of the AI (students, customers, employees etc.,). Right now this has analytics, conversation history, visual customizations, integration options. Document support (RAG) is available with OpenAI assistants, Planning to introduce support for functions and more eventually. At some point I hope to build a wysiwyg editor to drag and drop functions, capabilities to customize AI Assistants Right now this support 4 major providers - OpenAI, Groq, Anthropic, and Google Gemini. Users can Bring Your Own API Keys (BYOK) from these platforms or use Assistants Hub's default key. Technical Stack: • Frontend: Next.js with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite for a clean, responsive design. • Backend: Prisma ORM on top of PostgreSQL ensures robust data handling. • Storage: AWS S3 for reliable blob storage. Do you like the idea / or skeptical of it? What could be improved or changed? I’m looking for honest, constructive feedback that can help refine and enhance the platform. Are there specific tasks or industries you think could benefit by Assistants Hub? I’m keen to explore new domains where this can make a significant impact. LOOKING for Contributors to this project, both technical and non-technical, feel free to reach out to me santthosh -at- gmail -dot- com June 18, 2024 at 04:12AM

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