Thursday 10 October 2024

Show HN: – Email Notifications for New CVEs Affecting Your Stack

Show HN: – Email Notifications for New CVEs Affecting Your Stack I've been working part-time on , a SaaS that alerts you when new CVEs or exploits are published for the software you use. By subscribing to assets in the CVE database, you'll receive email notifications whenever a new vulnerability or exploit is released that impacts your stack. Alongside notifications, we provide users with an AI-generated analysis of each CVE, including potential impact and recommended mitigation steps, helping you understand the severity and take action faster. The idea came to me while working on an incident response team, where I noticed that many companies were hacked due to using software versions affected by recently published CVEs or exploits. October 10, 2024 at 07:18PM

Show HN: Build Apps via Voice

Show HN: Build Apps via Voice TiramAi - Beta - We have built an app that is now available both on App Store & Play Store that allows non-technical users to build web apps, mobile apps and logic apps as it seems fit by generating user stories and personas. Can be refined as many times. For web apps, the code gets generated in html, cs, JavaScript for the frontend and uses firebase as the db. For mobile app, flutter code gets generated and it takes us a day or so to get it out into test flight or beta testing, due to the app distribution hurdle. Logic apps use c# minimal api and gets deployed on Azure / Google. Exporting of User stories is behind a paywall. We are still fine tuning the code output for all the apps. You can provide feedback within the app as well by shaking the device. Any input / feedback / thoughts are appreciated. October 10, 2024 at 11:38PM

Show HN: An app where you suggest me your vet, I suggest you my babysitter

Show HN: An app where you suggest me your vet, I suggest you my babysitter 10 Kudos is an app to share the contacts of trusted service providers with your friends. I built it because I often seek some kind of provider: a plumber, a cat sitter, a lawyer, a web designer, even a hint for a restaurant, whatever. I don't want to just find a random provider on some website, and I don't trust their mostly fake endorsements. I want to tap my friends' network of trusted providers. I usually end up calling my friends one by one, trying to imagine which are more likely to know a good provider, but it's not very efficient. I would prefer to have this kind of shared Rolodex. Similar projects, like Yelp, usually have the two-sided-market, or chicken-and-egg issue: they are useless for costumers until they don't have providers, and useless for providers until they don't have customers. The way I designed it, it's distributed and personal: it doesn't need a database (and actually even if it had it, a new user wouldn't see anything on it, because it only shows the favorite providers entered by your friends). Instead, even if just two or three friends use it to share their trusted contacts, it's already useful to them. Plus, this layout eliminates the issue of the usual fake reviews, and of the effort for the real users to enter diplomatic assessments: this app is just an exchange of contacts, if I need that kind of provider I will then call my friend and ask her for more feedback. This app is a formalized word-of-mouth. It serves two needs: it is useful for anyone like me who often seeks a specific kind of provider, but it's also useful for a provider who wants to increase her customer base. Suppose I'm a math tutor, I will download the app, enter my profile, and then send a broadcast from the app to my WhatsApp contacts asking them to endorse me (and then to share further the app with the endorsement). The Android version of the app as I envisioned it, is complete, no users yet (I know, you'll say I should have progressed the other way around, got it). I have tested it with some people, they are positive but not enough to use it. I need to understand how to make it more appealing so that it can spread. I'm not seeking investors, I believe that if the product/market fit is achieved the app can grow almost naturally, if it isn't achieved money won't help. I would love your comments and suggestions! October 10, 2024 at 03:54PM

Show HN: Tenno – Markdown and JavaScript = an Hybrid of Word and Excel

Show HN: Tenno – Markdown and JavaScript = an Hybrid of Word and Excel Tenno is a web app that lets you create Markdown documents that can include computational cells. You can think of it as a mix of Word and Excel, some sort of "literate programming" environment. This is still an early version but I wanted to get some feedback from HN on what could be nice features to add. Check out the Docs and examples page, it has a ton of (in my humble opinion) cool stuff! Why did I build this? I was building some estimation for cloud costs in Google Sheets and I quickly ended up with a mess. I realized that if I wanted to analyze how a certain thing changes wrt to multiple variables by plotting it, I had to create a bunch of copies of data and copy my formulas everywhere... a SWE nightmare! Tenno simplifies this because you can essentially define a function you are interested in, and only the analyzing it using plots that explore various dimensions. BTW, you can also use Tenno to build dashboards by pulling data from APIs, checkout the weather data example. October 10, 2024 at 02:15PM

Show HN: I Made an AI Resume Maker That Turns Any Job Link into Tailored Resumes

Show HN: I Made an AI Resume Maker That Turns Any Job Link into Tailored Resumes Hey HN, I am a solopreneur building AI SaaS and mini tools. I recently built ResumeSet, an AI resume builder that creates tailored resumes based on job descriptions from any job link. Job hunting can feel like a full-time job itself, especially with the growing reliance on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that automatically filter out resumes. I wanted to help job seekers create resumes more likely to pass ATS checks without endless manual tweaking. How it works: - Paste the job link, and ResumeSet's AI analyzes the job requirements to tailor your resume to match the job's key requirements and skills. - The result? A resume that is ATS (Applicant Tracking System) friendly and increases the likelihood of passing automated screenings. - PDF export feature for easy downloads and integrations into existing job platforms. - No fancy templates, just functional and ATS-friendly formatting. Why I built this: I noticed how time-consuming and frustrating it is to repeatedly tweak resumes for every job application, especially when fighting against rigid ATS systems. I wanted to automate this process and make job hunting more efficient by focusing on what matters—tailoring resumes specifically to each role. ResumeSet helps users avoid the generic, one-size-fits-all resumes that often get rejected. I see how often good candidates are missed due to poorly optimized resumes. My goal was to make a simple but effective tool that bridges that gap. Tech Stack: - Built with Django and OpenAI API for the core AI functionality. - Frontend is a simple Bootstrap for a responsive design. I'd love to get feedback from the community. Thoughts on improving it or potential features? You can try it for free here: . Looking forward to your comments and suggestions! October 10, 2024 at 08:14AM

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Show HN: A raw HTTP request parser for Python

Show HN: A raw HTTP request parser for Python I needed to parse raw HTTP request strings but couldn't find a good solution so I built it myself. October 9, 2024 at 11:20PM

Show HN: I'm 13 and built an OpenAI o1-like AI model – would love your feedback

Show HN: I'm 13 and built an OpenAI o1-like AI model – would love your feedback I’m Hayden, a 13-year-old developer based in Australia, and I’ve built a CoT logical thinking and reasoning AI model similar to OpenAI o1. It's powered by open source small models like Llama 3.1 and 3.2 and I would love for you to try it and share your feedback with me. You can try it here: I built it just for fun and launched it a day after the o1 release. It's not perfect yet but its still amazing to see how a detailed prompt can have such a difference on the quality of the LLM response! Please let me know any feedback or suggestions! Thank you! (read more info here: ) October 9, 2024 at 12:06PM

Show HN: I made an SSH tunnel manager to learn Go

Show HN: I made an SSH tunnel manager to learn Go October 9, 2024 at 08:52AM

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Show HN: Zeli – HN reader with AI digests for non-native speakers

Show HN: Zeli – HN reader with AI digests for non-native speakers I read Hacker News daily, but as a non-native English speaker, it often takes me a while to identify posts that interest me. So I created this tool—it uses an LLM to extract summaries and key highlights from articles, helping me quickly find the ones I want to read in depth. If you're a native English speaker, it can still be useful. Beyond just HN titles, it can give you a quick grasp of an article's main points, allowing you to decide whether to click through. Interestingly, for "Ask HN" posts, I've included a feature that selects the top 3 most insightful responses from the original thread. This lets you preview whether the comments section is worth exploring before you open the post. Happy browsing! October 9, 2024 at 07:00AM

Show HN: WikiTables - Wikipedia, but just tables

Show HN: WikiTables - Wikipedia, but just tables Static single-page website on GitHub Pages. Extracts and displays tables from Wikipedia articles for quick reference. Great for quickly looking up actor/director filmographies or pro sports stats. Repo: October 9, 2024 at 03:14AM

Show HN: Get a custom SVG, BG-removed logo for your startup in 3 clicks

Show HN: Get a custom SVG, BG-removed logo for your startup in 3 clicks October 8, 2024 at 07:53AM

Show HN: Alt Text Generator – Streamline Accessibility and SEO with AI

Show HN: Alt Text Generator – Streamline Accessibility and SEO with AI Show HN: Alt Text Generator - Streamline Accessibility and SEO with AI Hey Hacker News folks! I am super excited to share my latest project, Alt Text Generator ( ), a potent AI-driven tool built to make your web content more accessible and SEO-friendly. Some of the Primary Features Include: Get Correct Alt Text for Images Increase Accessibility to Visually Impaired Users Gain Optimized Alt Text for Higher Search Engine Rankings Waste Less Time and Resources I have created Alt Text Generator to help content developers, web developers, and digital marketers develop better web content for more significant pools of audiences. Try the Alt Text Generator and let me know what you feel. Your responses are really helpful as I am still tuning the platform. October 8, 2024 at 08:09AM

Monday 7 October 2024

Show HN: I built this as a high school student to learn SQL with realistic data

Show HN: I built this as a high school student to learn SQL with realistic data October 8, 2024 at 07:37AM

Show HN: Running Game Boy ROMs on the STM32 ARM Cortex Microcontroller

Show HN: Running Game Boy ROMs on the STM32 ARM Cortex Microcontroller Got Tetris running on a 26€ STM32F429 Discovery board emulating the Game Boy CPU and graphics on the ARM Cortex M4. Really fun project to hack together, need to try the original Game Boy Pokemon (red/blue) games next. October 8, 2024 at 06:03AM

Show HN: Some JavaScript Experiments

Show HN: Some JavaScript Experiments October 7, 2024 at 08:37AM

Sunday 6 October 2024

Show HN: Offline audiobook from any format with one CLI command

Show HN: Offline audiobook from any format with one CLI command QuickPiperAudiobook locally generates an mp3 audiobook on Linux with one easy command. It can convert PDFs, epub, mobi, and many more by using ebook-convert. It uses any piper TTS model, and thus supports a wide variety of languages. I've had great success using it to read more while reducing eye strain and computer usage. I think I've probably read 30 or so books this way now over the past year. Being able to listen to any content you want in audio form free and offline while going for a walk is extremely handy. I hope it helps you as well! Cheers October 7, 2024 at 04:43AM

Show HN: Read Articles Without Ads

Show HN: Read Articles Without Ads I've created an application that lets you read articles without ads + recommendation engine that picks 20 best articles for you to read everyday! October 6, 2024 at 09:16PM

Show HN: Gato Prompt Lang – keep prompt content and responses short in JSON

Show HN: Gato Prompt Lang – keep prompt content and responses short in JSON It started with me trying to get consistent json output but then evolved to something I can use to get consistent outputs structured in the way I need with, which is essential to consume responses in software. I seem to get json consistent 100% of the time when I use the API but when I use the UI I occasionally some response data not in the json. October 2, 2024 at 06:46AM

Show HN: A Browser UI for Your Docker Registry – Built with Elm and Rust

Show HN: A Browser UI for Your Docker Registry – Built with Elm and Rust I was hosting my own Docker Registry for work, and i was disappointed that Docker Registry didn't ship with a UI, so i decided to build my own version. October 6, 2024 at 01:04PM

Show HN: I made a lightweight webapp as an MVP for processing CSV files

Show HN: I made a lightweight webapp as an MVP for processing CSV files Over time I wish to add capabilities to create dashboards, allow users to create pipelines and share dashboards, results summary, or create email templates. But all this requires a backend and, most important, possibility of a market with paying users for the backend stuff. P.S. could have minor UI bugs, October 6, 2024 at 12:53PM