Friday 4 November 2022

Show HN: Step CI – open-source lightweight alternative to Checkly

Show HN: Step CI – open-source lightweight alternative to Checkly In our last post, we showed that there is an easy way to generate automated tests for Rest APIs from your specification. Since the last release, we have added some new features: - Generate tests from your API spec in the CLI - Run tests against gRPC APIs automatically - Get request and response information when your tests fail - Generate fake data and use them in the requests - Bring your own test data (from .csv) - More intuitive CLI interface We built this because we wanted a simple, developer-friendly way to automate API testing without relying on cloud solutions. You can integrate it with Docker, GitHub Actions and Node. Your tests can have multiple steps, with shared context between them. Lastly, you can use it as a library and in combination with other testing tools like Jest, Ava, Mocha (and soon Insomnia). If you want to step out of locked-in cloud solutions, give our tool a try. November 4, 2022 at 04:12PM

Show HN: I built a helper script for AUTOMATIC1111 / stable-diffusion-webui

Show HN: I built a helper script for AUTOMATIC1111 / stable-diffusion-webui In case you are into offline Stable Diffusion image generation, chances are high that you use the AUTOMATIC1111 version, as it is quite user friendly and constantly evolving. One thing it has is support for scripts. And I have built a script that eases finding the right look quite a bit. StylePile has 135 artist presets, 55 styles, 25 emotions. Insert keywords sequentially or randomly. Adjust influence of result types, artists and styles. See detailed progress information in prompt. Feedback welcome. November 4, 2022 at 03:23PM

Show HN: PostgreSQL Sessions in Vim

Show HN: PostgreSQL Sessions in Vim Really just a few lines of code to have a REPL-like experience with Vim and Postgres. November 3, 2022 at 12:25PM

Show HN: Tracking my local bus with a RaspberryPi

Show HN: Tracking my local bus with a RaspberryPi November 4, 2022 at 11:44AM

Thursday 3 November 2022

Show HN: Vectory, a tool for visually tracking and comparing embeddings

Show HN: Vectory, a tool for visually tracking and comparing embeddings November 4, 2022 at 04:17AM

Show HN: RealSkillz – PR based homework assignments, for hireing developers

Show HN: RealSkillz – PR based homework assignments, for hireing developers RealSkillz helps you assess your developer candidates through real-world technical assignments. From several sources and also our own experience, we think that the process of hiring developers is broken. Currently most of the available interview platforms only provide arbitrary interview tasks their candidates. Most of the developer jobs does not require heavy algorithmic skills. Still most of the interviews focus on that. We think this is painful for the developers and for the companies alike. As a developer, you need to maintain a very specific set of skill just for your interviews, while you can rarely show how you really shine in a more realistic coding scenario. As a company, you select your candidate by an irrelevant interview task, having limited knowledge how the candidate works in a daily setting. RealSkillz aims to fix this broken hireing process by generating pull request based homework assignments for developer candidates. Pull Request based home work assignments, On real-world repositories. November 3, 2022 at 05:23PM

Show HN: Sprig, open-source game console & engine, by teenagers, for teenagers

Show HN: Sprig, open-source game console & engine, by teenagers, for teenagers November 3, 2022 at 03:04PM

Show HN: unsock: shim to automatically change AF_INET sockets to AF_UNIX, etc.

Show HN: unsock: shim to automatically change AF_INET sockets to AF_UNIX, etc. unsock is an LD_PRELOAD-able Linux library that converts AF_INET socket connections to AF_UNIX, AF_VSOCK, AF_TIPC, etc, helping reduce the dependency on TCP/UDP/IP for local communication. It even handles the painful "CONNECT" proxy dance on Firecracker AF_UNIX/AF_VSOCK multiplexing sockets for you. November 3, 2022 at 02:07PM

Show HN: Word Tower – A simple daily word puzzle

Show HN: Word Tower – A simple daily word puzzle November 3, 2022 at 09:47AM

Show HN: I wrote an eBook on Linux CLI tools and Shell Scripting

Show HN: I wrote an eBook on Linux CLI tools and Shell Scripting Hello! This ebook aims to teach Linux command line tools and Shell Scripting for beginner to intermediate level users. The main focus is towards managing your files and performing text processing tasks. Includes plenty of examples, exercises (200+) and solutions. To celebrate my latest ebook release, you can download PDF/EPUB versions of Computing from the Command Line for FREE till 08-Nov-2022: (the web version linked as the post url is always free) All books bundle (all my 13 programming ebooks) is $10 (normal price $28) - Visit for markdown source, example files, exercise solutions, sample chapters and other details related to the book. I would highly appreciate if you'd let me know how you felt about this book. It could be anything from a simple thank you, Gumroad rating, pointing out a typo, mistakes in code snippets, which aspects of the book worked for you (or didn't!) and so on. Reader feedback is essential and especially so for self-published authors. Happy learning :) November 3, 2022 at 12:11PM

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Show HN: – simple, unmissable reminders via phone/text/email

Show HN: – simple, unmissable reminders via phone/text/email I built this app primarily for my wife, who has tried many mainstream todo-list apps (OmniFocus, Things, and Todoist come to mind) over the years with little success. She isn't particularly interested in setting up a productivity system and the administrivia that goes with it. Even having to remember to look at an app once a day was far from ideal for her. This app is an attempt at a solution for anyone that fits this description, with a focus on alerting over organization. Here's how it works: you create a nudge that's set to trigger at a given date and time, and the app phones you, texts you, or emails you (or all three) at the right moment. Nudges can trigger on a schedule, so something like "call me about monthly bills for the next month on the last day of every month" is quite easy to set up. It also works well (sample size 1, admittedly) as a supplement to a more robust GTD system. I use Things for almost everything, but my most important reminders are set up as nudges. I've worked on this on and off for the last month or so and I think it's ready for a Show HN. There's likely some rough edges in there so I wouldn't use it for anything _critical_ just yet (let me know if you see anything that looks buggy!). I cut a lot of scope in order to release an initial version quickly; here's a list of things I'm considering adding to the app in the near future: - Implement something analogous to Pagerduty: create nudges that repeatedly nag you (with something like an escalation policy) until you acknowledge them - More notification channels: get nudges on Telegram, WhatsApp, Slack, etc. - Families (or teams, possibly) share a namespace and can send nudges to each other - Nudges that collect a response: possibly for polls, a daily diary entry, or habit tracker - Incoming and outgoing webhooks - Snooze a nudge so it re-triggers in X minutes I work on distributed systems at my day job and haven't done frontend and CRUD things in a long while now, so building this out was a nice change of pace. If anyone's curious, the app is built with: Next.js (in static HTML mode) and Tailwind for the frontend, Go for the API server and background nudge loop, and SQLite (+Litestream) for persistence. In any case, I'm looking for feedback from the HN community here: is this something you would use? TL;DR: schedule reminders for yourself via phone call, text message, and/or email (PS: the free plan doesn't allow call/SMS nudges because I'm a bit wary of spam, but if you'd like to give this a shot and can't [or don't want to] subscribe to a paid plan at this point, send me an email at for a 1-month code) November 2, 2022 at 06:00PM

Show HN: Inhuman Time – change “3 days ago” to actual time on GitHub

Show HN: Inhuman Time – change “3 days ago” to actual time on GitHub November 3, 2022 at 04:34AM

Show HN: Xata, serverless database on top of PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch

Show HN: Xata, serverless database on top of PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch Hi! Xata was on HackerNews once before ( ) a bit over a year ago, when we were at the beginning of our development. We've promised we're going to do a Show HN page when we come out of Private Beta, and this just happened today. Xata is a product in the serverless database space. We know that the space is fairly crowded now, with lots of great companies started recently. We're happy to see a fresh wave of database products, that are focused more on the developer experience, rather than a race to the bottom on performance and cost. We are part of this wave, but we also think our offering is quite differentiated: - First, out of all the options out there, we're aiming to be the easiest to get started with and the easiest to use. We are cloud-only and our product feels more like a SaaS-like experience than an IaaS experience. If you've hacked together an app with data stored in Airtable or GitHub, you should try Xata next time. It's just as easy to use but has constraints, data integrity, type-safe clients, etc. - We offer functionality from multiple data stores. Today, the source of truth for the data is in PostgreSQL and we also replicate it in Elasticsearch. This means that we can offer free-text-search and aggregation functionality that goes beyond what's possible in PostgreSQL. In the future, we'll add more functionality around in-memory caching, queues, etc, so all data patterns that you need are available via a single, serverless, consistent API. This sounds complex (and it is), but the complexity is entirely on our side. Your application can just reap the benefits. - It is vertically integrated and focused on developer workflows: we provide a nice web UI, a TypeScript/JavaScript SDK, and VS Code extension, all working together with minimal friction. The TypeScript SDK is somewhat similar with Prisma, because it gives you type safety for both the parameters and the return types. However, it is different because it is a pure-TypeScript implementation, which means it is more lightweight and can run in Cloudflare Workers, Deno Deploy, etc. Some more links, if you want to dig into the details: - For examples of the API, see our API Guide: - For technical details about the inner workings of Xata, see our fairly long How it Works guide: - We think this approach is new and gave it a name: Serverless Data Platform, which is explained here: - For a high-level overview of the features available, see: We would really love your feedback! November 2, 2022 at 08:43AM

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Show HN: Simple HTTP server to render Markdown documents made in Go

Show HN: Simple HTTP server to render Markdown documents made in Go November 2, 2022 at 04:53AM

Show HN: My Conversational Social Network

Show HN: My Conversational Social Network November 2, 2022 at 12:40AM

Show HN: Vectory, a tool for visually tracking and comparing embeddings

Show HN: Vectory, a tool for visually tracking and comparing embeddings November 1, 2022 at 09:54PM

Show HN: Minimax – A Compressed-First, Microcoded RISC-V CPU

Show HN: Minimax – A Compressed-First, Microcoded RISC-V CPU RISC-V's compressed instruction (RVC) extension is intended as an add-on to the regular, 32-bit instruction set, not a replacement or competitor. Its designers intended RVC instructions to be expanded into regular 32-bit RV32I equivalents via a pre-decoder. What happens if we explicitly architect a RISC-V CPU to execute RVC instructions, and "mop up" any RV32I instructions that aren't convenient via a microcode layer? What architectural optimizations are unlocked as a result? "Minimax" is an experimental RISC-V implementation intended to establish if an RVC-optimized CPU is, in practice, any simpler than an ordinary RV32I core with pre-decoder. While it passes a modest test suite, you should not use it without caution. (There are a large number of excellent, open source, "little" RISC-V implementations you should probably use reach for first.) November 1, 2022 at 04:41PM

Show HN: Docker in the browser using x86-to-WASM recompilation

Show HN: Docker in the browser using x86-to-WASM recompilation November 1, 2022 at 06:24PM

Show HN: DIY Aeroponic Gardening

Show HN: DIY Aeroponic Gardening November 1, 2022 at 10:58AM

Show HN: I made a collection of 60 beautiful CSS checkboxes (click to copy)

Show HN: I made a collection of 60 beautiful CSS checkboxes (click to copy) November 1, 2022 at 09:32AM