Friday 4 August 2023

Show HN: Open-source library to manage todo items in Python code

Show HN: Open-source library to manage todo items in Python code I made this library that collects all TODO items from a python project, creates automated summaries and notifies them over email, SNS or SES etc. It is highly customizable allowing to add custom summaries, custom notifier and integration with downstream applications. August 4, 2023 at 06:34PM

Show HN: YC idea matcher – Submit an idea and get a list of similar YC companies

Show HN: YC idea matcher – Submit an idea and get a list of similar YC companies This project uses semantic search, an advanced search technique that aims to understand the intent and context behind a search query instead of just matching keywords. It's built using Neon Postgres + pg_embedding and OpenAI for generating embeddings. More details can be found in the repo August 4, 2023 at 05:15PM

Show HN: SymbolicAI

Show HN: SymbolicAI The SymbolicAI project started somewhere at the end of the last year and had its first commit mid January this year. If I would to be briefly summarize "why" do we think it's a project worth working on, is because of the following idea: we're slowly marching towards software 3.0 and we need to grow frameworks to a maturity point that would allow people not only to PoC their own ideas, but also to gain access to a strong community support that nurtures the mutual exchange of ideas between the individuals. I personally believe this is the secret behind many successful OS projects (e.g. Neovim, LazyGit, PyTorch, Jax, just to name a few). FAQ Q: What the project does? A: A lot. You can build your own chatbot, interact with as many as 13 tools (search, wolfram, dall-e, blip, clip, ocr, pinecone, whisper, selenium, local files, etc.), pretty much most of the things you've already seen hyped or cool on the social media. Q: Sounds close to… LangChain…? A: Briefly, I think LangChain grew too fast and became the jack of all trades but the master of none. I'm sure they had their reasons for approaching things the way they did, and I don't want to make this post about them more than I already have. Others have had more thorough investigations of this topic and better rants than I would. Q: Ok, then tell me why would I want to be part of it? A: We're x2 core developers. Sometimes less is more, giving us time to think more deeply about designing the framework and making it accessible to others. Some principles: - Ease of use and flexibility: we were heavily inspired by PyTorch, and we aimed to follow the same code structure one uses with torch. Our original intuition was that when you're introducing something new, tying it with something people are familiar with will make it more accessible (in terms of read/write). Not only this, but the initial recipe proved quite successful and replacing it with something else without concrete reasons is not worth doing IMHO. Moreover, one of our long-term visions is to have smooth integration with torch. We aim to grant SymbolicAI differentiable features. Imagine your chatbot learning to better use its memory (e.g. how to update its memory with relevant information). - As in torch everything is a tensor, in our framework everything is a Symbol. A Symbol once defined gets accessed to some primitives (as an analogy think of PrimTorch) which would easily allow you to compose complex expressions or manipulate Symbol variables. This unlock very fast manipulations (i.e. dot notation <|object|><|dot|><|method|>). - The hard work is done by decorators. We use them for the following reasons: (1) modularity, (2) composition, (3) flexibility, and (4) readability. - We want to make a cohesive dev environment. I'm a script kiddo and I don't like to leave my terminal. I dislike web interfaces. I want to use my local env with my own setup. We have an experimental feature that is built on top of git and would enable package management. It's similar to pip, but for extensions built with our framework. Another long-term vision is to make accessible to anyone using our framework a quick share with the community. See for a showcase of how to do transcription and create youtube chapters with Whisper with our package manager. There's much more to say, but I will stop here. Please check our GitHub README ( ) for a more deep dive or our latest tutorial video that highlights some relevant use-cases from a more high-level POV ( ). I really do hope that at least some of you reading will get interested. We have so many goals we want to reach, so many ideas we want to test, and probably just as many bugs (we call them maggots just for fun) we need to fix. We need you. August 4, 2023 at 09:51AM

Thursday 3 August 2023

Show HN: Zep – pgvector-based memory store for LLM apps

Show HN: Zep – pgvector-based memory store for LLM apps Hey HN - we launched Zep's document vector DB today. Zep is an open source memory store for LLM apps, and this builds on existing chat history memory persistence, embedding, and enrichment capabilities. Zep uses Postgres and pgvector for database operations and vector search. Vector search can be complicated on Postgres, with careful configuration required at both index creation and query time. We've focused on significantly improving this developer experience. Zep automatically selects index and query parameters for developers based on best practices and known heuristics. Vector database operations are exposed via a simple Python (and LangChain) API for working with document collections, documents, and search results. While we focus on LLM App use cases, you can turn any Postgres instance with pgvector into a vector database with great DX. Our launch announcement: -Daniel August 3, 2023 at 07:17PM

Show HN: Create your first ZK-SNARK Contract with Mina Blockchain

Show HN: Create your first ZK-SNARK Contract with Mina Blockchain August 3, 2023 at 07:21PM

Show HN: I made Grammarly for accessibility code violations

Show HN: I made Grammarly for accessibility code violations August 3, 2023 at 06:37PM

Show HN: WebAssembly dev environment for Envoy Proxy

Show HN: WebAssembly dev environment for Envoy Proxy Hi HN! For the past few weeks we've been working on Proximal - a workflow engine that lets you quickly iterate on WebAssembly extensions for Envoy Proxy[0] (or other proxies) right on your local machine: This work is based on Proxy-WASM[1] extension ABI for Envoy (and other proxies like APISIX and Mosn[2]) which allows you to execute WebAssembly code on every API request a la Cloudflare Workers. As part of our wider effort at to improve API glue code we built an experimentation / development platform and hope you will find it useful! On the technical side this project packs Envoy itself, Envoy controller, REST API (for controlling the controller =)), React SPA, and Temporal server/worker (for orchestration) - all baked into a single Go binary. You can find more on architecture and limitations in the repository README[4]. This project is pretty early stage and we would appreciate community feedback! Previous HN discussions on this topic: * * --- [0] [1] [2] [3] August 3, 2023 at 05:39PM

Show HN: Hydra 1.0 – open-source column-oriented Postgres

Show HN: Hydra 1.0 – open-source column-oriented Postgres hi hn, hydra ceo here hydra is an open source, column-oriented postgres. you can set up remarkably fast aggregates on your project in minutes to query billions of rows instantly. postgres is great, but aggregates can take minutes to hours to return results on large data sets. long-running analytical queries hog database resources and degrade performance. use hydra to run much faster analytics on postgres without making code changes. data is automatically loaded into columnar format and compressed. connect to hydra with your preferred postgres client (psql, dbeaver, etc). following 4 months of development on hydra v0.3.0-alpha, our team is proud to share our first major version release. hydra 1.0 is under active development, but ready for use and feedback. we’re aiming to release 1.0 into general availability (ga) soon. for testing, try the hydra free tier to create a column-oriented postgres instance on the cloud. August 3, 2023 at 05:19PM

Show HN: Making Don Quijote accessible to Spanish learners

Show HN: Making Don Quijote accessible to Spanish learners I love simple english wikipedia and I wanted to use that style of writing to make spanish books accessible to me. First I simplified the spanish[0] but simplification can't remove every word I don't know. This led me to adding the definition for words I probably wouldn't know[1]. Second simplifying the spanish ruined the magic of Don Quijote so I tried just adding definitions to the original[2]. The definitions aren't perfect but they let me stay in the flow of the text. I'm tempted to make a firefox extension to annotate any website so I can spend more time reading spanish. Let me know what you think! [0] [1] [2] August 3, 2023 at 04:28PM

Show HN: TripClub – Plan Travel with AI

Show HN: TripClub – Plan Travel with AI Hey HN! This is Will and Riley from TripClub ( ). TripClub helps you plan and visualize your trips while giving you recommended itineraries to anywhere in the world based on your input. We began working on this when we couldn’t find a good solution to plan trips with friends, and found that most people we knew used something like google docs along with 24 tabs for researching places. Also, with the recent progress in generative AI, we found that we could now create detailed trips based on any input you’d like, and turn these into visually appealing itineraries. As you may have suspected, we primarily use openAI models for trip generation on the backend. We put the recommendations into an interactable map and itinerary. After creating a trip, you can add your friends so everyone can collaborate on editing the various places on your itinerary. Right now every aspect of the app is free and we hope to keep it that way. However we haven’t built in a source of revenue at the moment and are fully bootstrapped, so this could change (we plan to make revenue on hotel bookings in the future). We’re looking forward to hearing any of your comments, questions, and feedback! August 3, 2023 at 04:36PM

Show HN: Learn languages through immersion with AI friends

Show HN: Learn languages through immersion with AI friends August 3, 2023 at 02:56PM

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Show HN: Tacotranslate – Adiós, JSON files, helo global reach

Show HN: Tacotranslate – Adiós, JSON files, helo global reach Hey, Adding a new localization to an existing application has been a nightmare for us for some time. With that in mind, we created Tacotranslate to localize React apps from and to any language in minutes. TacoTranslate streamlines the localization process of your product with automatic collection and translation of all the strings right within your React application code. Please check it out and let us know what you think. Best, Eivind, Thomas & Fredrik August 2, 2023 at 01:05PM

Show HN: Logorax – AI logo generator for professionals

Show HN: Logorax – AI logo generator for professionals Hey HN! We're building the best AI logo maker out there. Our goal is to make these logos so good, that it will be a no brainer solution for all MVPs, internal projects and even for white-label design services from agencies. Later on we're also planning on adding new feature that will allow you to get a full branding done by the AI. We will also have tools for enterprise and a rapid logo creation process for the internal projects. Feel free to join the waitlist and be a part of our community. Thanks! August 2, 2023 at 09:36AM

Show HN: A simple shoot 'em up game using Rust Bevy

Show HN: A simple shoot 'em up game using Rust Bevy August 2, 2023 at 08:38AM

Tuesday 1 August 2023

Show HN: Re-shape interactions with databases using private LLM technologies

Show HN: Re-shape interactions with databases using private LLM technologies August 2, 2023 at 03:09AM

Show HN: Search Jira issues using natural language, from Slack – no JQL needed

Show HN: Search Jira issues using natural language, from Slack – no JQL needed Hello HN Community , I wanted to share a project that was inspired by my own day-to-day job challenges. I found myself often needing to do some advanced Jira searches, or even simpler ones, without leaving Slack. It made me wonder: Could AI make this process more intuitive and efficient using natural language? Taking advantage of the recent advancements in large language models (LLMs), I created a tool, JiraGPT. It allows you to manage and track Jira issues using natural language, directly within Slack. Just imagine being able to say, 'Show me all in progress issues assigned to John from the past week,' and getting the needed information instantly. Please note, this is currently a beta version and it primarily supports Jira issue search. You can check it out here: I'd love to hear your thoughts: 1. Would a tool like this be useful in your daily project management activities? 2. What features or capabilities would you expect from such a tool? Thanks August 1, 2023 at 10:52PM

Show HN: OuijaPT – A GPT Powered Virtual Ouija Board

Show HN: OuijaPT – A GPT Powered Virtual Ouija Board Inspired by a pun, I built this little app. ChatGPT wrote ~80% of the code. You can read one of my conversations with ChatGPT as I was building here: August 2, 2023 at 12:31AM

Show HN: Bookmarklet to open any web page in

Show HN: Bookmarklet to open any web page in This will bypass most paywalls. Simply make a new bookmark, edit it and paste in this code: javascript:(()=>{var url=""+encodeURI(window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname);, "_blank");})(); August 1, 2023 at 08:20PM

Show HN: Cample.js – non-keyed framework based on reactivity without VDOM

Show HN: Cample.js – non-keyed framework based on reactivity without VDOM August 1, 2023 at 01:02PM

Show HN: Hyvor Talk v3 – Privacy-first commenting platform

Show HN: Hyvor Talk v3 – Privacy-first commenting platform We've just released version 3 of Hyvor Talk, a privacy-first, fully-featured commenting system. Some highlights of the new version - We re-wrote the embed from scratch. We now use Web Components instead of iframes. - In-built dark mode support - Page-level configurations - APIs for moderation and public data - Paid memberships feature We are 2 founders, and a small part-time team. We currently handle 100 million+ pageviews per month with 20 million+ unique monthly users on about 8000 online communities/websites. I am happy to answer any questions :) Thank you. August 1, 2023 at 08:50AM