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Monday, 31 July 2023
Show HN: A simple wireless power demonstration circuit
Show HN: A simple wireless power demonstration circuit August 1, 2023 at 05:38AM
Show HN: Socket web extension – free NPM supply chain protection
Show HN: Socket web extension – free NPM supply chain protection Hey HN, I'm Arjun, an 18-year-old intern at Socket. I've been working on a project that I'm really excited to share with you all - a browser extension that makes it easier to check the security of NPM packages before you use them. You can try the extension on any Chromium-based browser or on Firefox. Chrome extension: Firefox add-on: Socket scans NPM packages for malware, vulnerabilities, code smell, and unwanted behavior using AI and some very powerful in-house static analysis we've been perfecting over the last 2 years. As the primary developer of Parcel.js' web extension transformer ( ), I thought it would be cool to use my own work on Parcel to create a useful extension during my internship at Socket. The extension displays scores alongside each package indicating quality, security, maintenance, and other useful metrics. It also tells you if a package accesses the network when it shouldn't need to, or if it runs malware in an install script. You can learn more about its features in my blog post: Feel free to ask any questions you have about Socket, the extension or even my work on Parcel. Excited to hear your feedback! - Arjun July 31, 2023 at 11:53PM
Show HN: CocktailCMS – in-browser database with no login or servers required
Show HN: CocktailCMS – in-browser database with no login or servers required During the lockdown in 2020, my girlfriend, an enthusiastic mixologist, needed a tool to organize her cocktail recipes and visualize the data. Traditional spreadsheets weren't cutting it due to the deeply nested data, and this struggle led me to create 'CocktailCMS'. Drawing inspiration from old-school databases like DBase, FoxPro, and MS Access, CocktailCMS is a browser-based database with features such as linking datasets and sub-tables. It's designed for local data storage in JSON format, but there's an option to sync with Google Drive for backup. Data can be exported in CSV and easily copy-pasted into visualizers. To give you an idea of what it can do, I've included two example datasets: a Game of Thrones one and another one on Mixology. The project is currently built in JS + Vue2. However, it does need a bit of renovation due to tech rot. I'm contemplating an upgrade to TS + Vue3, and also want to open source the project. But before I embark on this, I'm curious to gauge the community interest. Your feedback and suggestions are much appreciated! August 1, 2023 at 12:20AM
Show HN: A Girl Next Door Does Not Exist (NSFW)
Show HN: A Girl Next Door Does Not Exist (NSFW) Warning: NSFW. I'm posting this from a throwaway. Note that on HN favorites are public, but upvotes are private. Porn seems like it'll be one of the big areas of ai in the short term. There've been multiple threads and comments about AI + Onlyfans and AI + porn and AI girlfriends on HN recently ( , , ). I've heard that porn is the industry that pushes new technology forward - VHS, bluray, highly scalable video serving. I made a site compiling together some of the AI porn that I made with the help of some people on Discord over the past few months. I don't think AI will get rid of onlyfans. People spend on onlyfans for more than just the images. I do think people will have access to unlimited image and video porn at some point in the coming decade, which will definitely change the porn industry. The site shows what's possible with AI porn today - images both sfw and nsfw, audio, text, and some moving images. There's even more possible than just what's on the page, with lots of people are playing around with making animated gifs that are nsfw, there'll be animated 3d nsfw avatars, and so on. So the site isn't comprehensive at all. But it's still quite interesting. July 31, 2023 at 11:34PM
Show HN: Linkwarden – An open source collaborative bookmark manager
Show HN: Linkwarden – An open source collaborative bookmark manager Hello HN! Linkwarden is a fully self-hostable, open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and archive webpages. Linkwarden was built using TypeScript and NextJS, backed by a PostgreSQL database for the lighter-weight data. The rest of the data can be chosen either to be stored on the filesystem, or stored on the cloud on Digital Ocean Space/AWS S3, the reason for the cloud storage solution was for the Cloud offering [1], we realized that the preserved webpages (archives) take up space pretty quickly and S3 was much more efficient for this task. On the front-end we used TailwindCSS for styling and Zustand for state management. You could either use our Cloud offering (with 14-day free trial) to directly support this project and experience Linkwarden, or you could self-host it on your own machine and have maximum flexibility. Also please make sure to visit/star our GitHub repo [2]. Feel free if you had any questions, we'll do our best to answer it. [1]: - Hosted in Digital Ocean's datacenter located here in Toronto, ON. [2]: July 31, 2023 at 02:41PM
Show HN: Webpecker – Scrape data from social networks to search engines easily
Show HN: Webpecker – Scrape data from social networks to search engines easily Scrape useful data from social networks to search engines effortlessly! Webpecker is an easy-to-use web scraper that focuses on scraping useful content from social networks, search engines, and websites that are rich in data. Appreciated by Market Researchers, Social Media Analysts, E-commerce Businesses, SEO Pros, Content Creators, Data Analysts, Academic Researchers, Digital Marketers, and others who value the POWER OF DATA. ⬇ The scraped data can be downloaded as: 1. CSV (XLSX) for Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, etc, 2. JSON for programmers, and 3. Zip for images. The websites that are available to get scraped are: 1. Google 2. Twitter 3. Instagram 4. Amazon Many more websites will be available soon, like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, and so on. Scraped data from Google Search are: All section: links, titles, descriptions, favicons, favicon DataURLs News section: links, titles, descriptions, images, image URLs+DataURLs, times Images section: links, website names, titles, images, image URLs+DataURLs Books section: authors, years of publication, links, titles, descriptions, images, image URLs+DataURLs Videos section: links, lengths, thumbnails, thumbnail URLs+DataURLs, descriptions, titles, details Shopping section: links, images, imageURLs+DataURLs, titles, votes, prices, delivery status, store names Scraped data from Twitter are: usernames, full names, verified status, bios, links of tweets, date and time, tweet text, mentions, hashtags, cashtags, links inside tweets, likes, replies, retweets, views, emojis, images, image URLs+DataURLs, video URLs, avatars, avatar URLs+DataURLs Scraped data from Instagram are: links, images, image URLs+DataURLs, alt texts, avatars, likes, comments, date and time, titles, mentions, hashtags, locations Scraped Data from Amazon are: links, prices, images, image URLs+DataURLs, titles, ratings, coupons You have the option to remove all or some of your scraped data any time. All your scraped data are stored locally in your computer; no information is stored anywhere else other than your computer. July 31, 2023 at 12:00PM
Show HN: YakshaLisp – Macros for Yaksha and Lisp Dialect
Show HN: YakshaLisp – Macros for Yaksha and Lisp Dialect YakshaLisp is a sub-language embedded in Yaksha compiler. Allowing you to do things like below (fizzbuzz). macros!{ (defun to_fb (n) (+ (if (== n 1) "" " ") (cond ((== 0 (modulo n 15)) "FizzBuzz") ((== 0 (modulo n 3)) "Fizz") ((== 0 (modulo n 5)) "Buzz") (true (to_string n)) ))) (defun fizzbuzz () (list (yk_create_token YK_TOKEN_STRING (reduce + (map to_fb (range 1 101)))))) (yk_register {dsl fizzbuzz fizzbuzz}) } def main() -> int: println(fizzbuzz!{}) return 0 This is available in latest release - (I recommend using in compiler/scripts if you want to locally compile it) Few more examples: - embedding a text file macros! { (defun load_string (file) (list (yk_create_token YK_TOKEN_STRING (io_read_file (map_get file "value"))))) (yk_register {dsl load_string load_string}) } def main() -> int: println(load_string!{"test.txt"}) return 0 - importing a macro import import_me as magic def main() -> int: println(magic.counter!{}) println(magic.counter!{}) println(magic.counter!{}) return 0 Looking for ideas/advice/criticism :) July 31, 2023 at 12:00PM
Sunday, 30 July 2023
Show HN: LearnLingo – Converse with an AI-powered language tutor
Show HN: LearnLingo – Converse with an AI-powered language tutor Hey folks! I'm Callum, and I'm working on a way to practice a new language with an AI powered tutor. I've always found that the hardest part of learning a new language is finding someone to actually converse with. Even if a partner can be found, the pressure can mean that you are more focused on not making mistakes than on actually learning new grammar or vocabulary. The service that I have been working on allows you to practice with a language tutor via online chat messages, or you can have a turn-based voice conversation. I'm working on a number of other features that will be coming out shortly, including a few games for practising pronunciation and listening skills, as well as a plan to release some lesson plans for specific languages later on. Have a try, and let me know if you have any feedback! July 31, 2023 at 06:36AM
Show HN: pff - Modern ping alternative to check your internet connection quality
Show HN: pff - Modern ping alternative to check your internet connection quality Hi, you can examine your internet connection quality and status in terminal using this small tool I created last year See a preview on asciinema: I hope you find it useful. Thanks :) July 30, 2023 at 09:15PM
Show HN: Pyflo – a free, interactive guide to learning Python
Show HN: Pyflo – a free, interactive guide to learning Python TL;DR: is a free, interactive guide to learning Python Hi Everyone, I am a CS educator who has taught a variety of university courses, including many on introductory Python programming. Over the past few years, I've written down a number of Python programming lessons and has culminated into This tool is a completely free, introductory guide to learning Python. It is more-or-less an intro programming textbook, but with a few twists, including: * It is totally free. You don't even have to give me your email to use it * The lessons are short and modularized * It's interactive, containing embedded questions that provide instant feedback throughout. My hope is that this can be a useful resource for those looking to learn Python. Feel free to use yourself, or share with those you think would be interested. Feedback is very much welcome and appreciated. July 30, 2023 at 11:49PM
Show HN: YakshaLisp – Lisp dialect and macros for Yaksha lang
Show HN: YakshaLisp – Lisp dialect and macros for Yaksha lang YakshaLisp is a sub-language embedded in Yaksha compiler. Allowing you to do things like below. See the link for updated documentation. What is your opinion about lisp dialect for defining macros in a off-side rule language? # ╔═╗┌─┐┌┬┐┌─┐┬┬ ┌─┐ ╔╦╗┬┌┬┐┌─┐ # ║ │ ││││├─┘││ ├┤ ║ ││││├┤ # ╚═╝└─┘┴ ┴┴ ┴┴─┘└─┘ ╩ ┴┴ ┴└─┘ # ╔═╗┬┌─┐┌─┐ ╔╗ ┬ ┬┌─┐┌─┐ # ╠╣ │┌─┘┌─┘ ╠╩╗│ │┌─┘┌─┘ # ╚ ┴└─┘└─┘ ╚═╝└─┘└─┘└─┘ macros!{ (defun to_fb (n) (+ (if (== n 1) "" " ") (cond ((== 0 (modulo n 15)) "FizzBuzz") ((== 0 (modulo n 3)) "Fizz") ((== 0 (modulo n 5)) "Buzz") (true (to_string n)) ))) (defun fizzbuzz () (list (yk_create_token YK_TOKEN_STRING (reduce + (map to_fb (range 1 101)))))) (yk_register {dsl fizzbuzz fizzbuzz}) } def main() -> int: println(fizzbuzz!{}) return 0 This is available in latest release - (I recommend using in compiler/scripts if you want to locally compile it) July 30, 2023 at 05:36PM
Show HN: Hear radio emissions from Earth, comets, black holes, and more
Show HN: Hear radio emissions from Earth, comets, black holes, and more July 30, 2023 at 02:05PM
Saturday, 29 July 2023
Show HN: Vite React Boilerplate – A Production Ready, Scalable Starter Template
Show HN: Vite React Boilerplate – A Production Ready, Scalable Starter Template Hello everyone, I’ve created this starter project for creating production ready web apps in Vite and React that I hope some might find useful. This template came about as a necessity to provide some standardization across new projects at work. A few of the initial goals when creating this project were to: - Reduce setup time - Standardize codebase with ESLint and Prettier - Improve commit messages with tools like husky, commitizen and commitlint - Improve codebase maintainability and scalability by providing a reasonable folder structure - Simplify React Component development through use of tools like Storybook - Improving codebase stability with unit and E2E tests via Vitest + React Testing Library and Playwright respectively - Ease the deployment process by providing a simple starter Dockerfile In addition to all the aforementioned goals, I also wanted to use modern tools such as React Query + Zustand for state management, React Hook Form + Zod for creating and validating forms, Tailwind CSS for building out UI’s, etc. I tried to cover everything I, and others, might need but recognize that everyones requirements are different. Luckily, this isn’t a framework so removing unneeded packages or adding new ones is as simple it would normally be. The project itself doesn’t come with a demo as its purpose is to simply provide a foundation for any new projects you might have in mind. Feedback is always welcome and I appreciate anyone willing to checkout this project. Thank you and have a great day. July 30, 2023 at 12:49AM
Show HN: Scribe – android dictaphone with speech recognition on device
Show HN: Scribe – android dictaphone with speech recognition on device Dear HN community! We are developing Scribe - dictaphone with speech recognition on device. On device means - audio is not sent to any cloud and stays on your phone, so it is private. The neural network runs right on the CPU of your smartphone. The app is free, there are no limits or fees based on transcription hours, one can transcribe 24/7 and pay only for electricity. This is actually a demo of our SDK, which we offer to businesses to embed in their applications, and it will stay always free for private users. It is like Google Recorder, but unlike or other transcribing apps based on Google Assistant. Some of the features: - record to wav, flac, aac and transcribe in real-time - transcribe from audio/video files - share to and from Scribe - access records and texts easily from file system Some of the possible uses: - transcribing lectures/trainings - court hearings - medical/psychological interviews - journalist interviews July 29, 2023 at 02:52PM
Show HN: Gogit – Just enough Git (in Go) to push itself to GitHub
Show HN: Gogit – Just enough Git (in Go) to push itself to GitHub July 29, 2023 at 09:34PM
Show HN: Makeitso – A (possibly evil) AI-powered preprocessor
Show HN: Makeitso – A (possibly evil) AI-powered preprocessor Your programming task is too hard? Too boring? Too confusing? Makeitso will "just do it" for you. July 29, 2023 at 05:29PM
Show HN: LLMFlows – LangChain alternative for explicit and transparent apps
Show HN: LLMFlows – LangChain alternative for explicit and transparent apps Hi HN! Over the last several weekends, I've been building LLMFlows as an alternative to langchain. There's been a lot of discussion on the shortcomings of langchain in the past few weeks, but when I first tried it in March, I thought there are 3 main problems: 1. Too many abstractions 2. Hidden prompts and opinionated logic in chains which makes it hard to customize 3. Hard to debug This inspired me to try and build a framework that solves these 3 issues, and therefore I started building LLFlows with the "philosophy" of being "simple, explicit, and transparent." A few weekends later, I think I finally managed to reach a state where I feel it's ready to be shared. I would love to hear your feedback! Thank you! July 29, 2023 at 03:03PM
Show HN: ssh-tpm-agent – SSH agent for TPMs
Show HN: ssh-tpm-agent – SSH agent for TPMs July 29, 2023 at 02:28PM
Show HN: This blog post shows its Hacker News score
Show HN: This blog post shows its Hacker News score July 29, 2023 at 10:29AM
Show HN: An app to help you stay Focused
Show HN: An app to help you stay Focused I built this app in less than 4 hours over a busy and noisy weekend to help me stay focused while studying, during my college days. Since then I have been maintaining this open source project. Its been quite a fruitful and enjoyable ride. Hope you all like it :) July 29, 2023 at 07:38AM
Friday, 28 July 2023
Show HN: I built an iOS app that helps YouChoose faster
Show HN: I built an iOS app that helps YouChoose faster Hey, This is Yash here. I built YouChoose because I was confused about how to have my eggs - scrambled or as an omelet. This made me realize..... In life, we spend too much time thinking about our choices rather than making a choice. These things take up too much mental bandwidth that is better utilized elsewhere. In most circumstances, we just need to make the call - the more we delay, the more it exerts us. Input your two choices. Hit the Choose button. And that's it. There's only one caveat - you can't go back (for the same choices). YouChoose is my micro effort to introduce some randomness in people's life. I am eager to hear your thoughts and comments! July 28, 2023 at 01:05PM
Show HN: A Daily Drawing Challenge
Show HN: A Daily Drawing Challenge July 28, 2023 at 10:55AM
Thursday, 27 July 2023
Show HN: Envoy playground in the browser
Show HN: Envoy playground in the browser Hey HN, We made an Envoy Proxy playground [0] so we could test out our Envoy configs directly in the browser. This is based on Julia's work with Nginx Playround. [1] We forked that repo and added more Envoy to it. [2] Check it out! [0] - Envoy is a popular programmable proxy similar to Nginx or HAProxy that is popular with cloud-native setups: [1] - [2] - July 27, 2023 at 08:59PM
Show HN: Diablo 2 runeword calculator in C++ using wxWidgets
Show HN: Diablo 2 runeword calculator in C++ using wxWidgets I have programmed this a few years ago and I use it while playing. I decided to publish it because it might be useful to others. Feel free to give feedback! I am also interested in people who have used QT and wxWidgets, because I have never really used QT and would like to know about pros and cons of QT vs wxWidgets! July 27, 2023 at 11:46PM
Show HN: I built a Chrome extension that detects logical fallacies using GPT-4
Show HN: I built a Chrome extension that detects logical fallacies using GPT-4 Code base is here Screenshots and learnings in tweet I experimented with a "Bring your own API Key" approach that I think is sufficiently secure. I'll Venmo $50 to whoever can hack my OpenAI API key July 28, 2023 at 12:00AM
Show HN: AI-utils.js – TypeScript-first lib for AI apps, chatbots, and agents
Show HN: AI-utils.js – TypeScript-first lib for AI apps, chatbots, and agents I'm building LLM (and diffusion model) apps (and agents) and was not that happy with the existing libaries. Either they take away a lot of control (especially over the prompts) or they are just the raw APIs, e.g. OpenAI. So I wrote a lib that tries to cover the middle ground and provide additional functionality (e.g. type checking and LLM abstraction) while letting you fully control the prompts etc. July 27, 2023 at 09:43AM
Show HN: Share your gratitude in public one sticky note at a time
Show HN: Share your gratitude in public one sticky note at a time Gratitude deserves to be seen. Each of us can point to individuals who've impacted our lives in significant ways. Perhaps it was a mentor who guided us, a friend who stood by us during challenging times, or a family member whose love was unwavering and unconditional. However, they don't get to hear our appreciations, especially in public. In many organizations, we've embraced the practice of expressing gratitude to our colleagues through karma points, kudos, or similar recognition. While these gestures are valuable, they often happen behind closed doors. Therefore I made this little website so that we can share our gratitude in public and inspire others to do the same. July 27, 2023 at 09:13AM
Show HN: MUI Toolpad – Open-source, local-first, admin app builder
Show HN: MUI Toolpad – Open-source, local-first, admin app builder Hi HN, Prakhar, Jan, Pedro and Bharat here - we are excited to introduce you to our product, MUI Toolpad. It’s been more than a year since we started working on it and are glad to show it to the HN community today. Toolpad is an open-source, self-hosted internal tool builder designed for backend and full-stack developers who want to build web apps like analytics dashboards, CRUD interfaces, and utility apps quickly. Toolpad comes as a Node.js package that integrates into your backend and harnesses the speed of its drag-and-drop UI builder for the frontend. It comes with 16 pre-built Material UI components to build UI in seconds. You can also import and use external React components in the drag-and-drop builder. Toolpad runs completely locally which means you're not stuck with an online code editor or a suboptimal GitHub integration. It lets you use your own IDE and extend your existing functions to the canvas through our intuitive queries. All configuration is stored in local files which you can version-control, edit, and deploy in any way you want. You can check out our live demo [1]. If you find it useful, you can support us by giving a star on GitHub [2]. We released our public beta [3] this week. We are happy to answer any questions/feedback in the comments. [1]: [2]: [3]: July 27, 2023 at 02:18PM
Wednesday, 26 July 2023
Show HN: Litellm – simple library to standardize OpenAI, Cohere, Azure LLM I/O
Show HN: Litellm – simple library to standardize OpenAI, Cohere, Azure LLM I/O I built this library because langchain was too bloated and I needed a simple abstraction to call multiple LLM APIs. litellm has two functions - completion(), embedding() July 27, 2023 at 02:31AM
Show HN: The place to learn any topic, quickly
Show HN: The place to learn any topic, quickly Hi HN, we’re building, the website where you can learn any topic, quickly. On our website, you pay to ask any physics, computer science, or math question, and our community competes to give you the best explanation (for a cash reward). Right now, resources with high quality content are a time drain (papers, textbooks, and courses). We think that material is typically written in an unnecessarily hard-to-read way, but that there are tons of people who are passionate about explaining it well to others. We want to give the world access to those people, and remove barriers for them to answer questions and write content. I'm writing to encourage you to try us out, if you’re interested - ask a question on a topic you always wanted to learn (we added a free mode so you don't have to pay or sign in), and we’ll give you a condensed, easy-to-read explanation. Or write about the intuitions that you have, which you know you won’t find anywhere else online. We’re obviously in the early stages, and are very open to feedback. July 27, 2023 at 12:57AM
Show HN: Distraction free desktop workspace for developers
Show HN: Distraction free desktop workspace for developers A workflow for window management based on experiences from Tmux, implemented by Rofi scripts. Tiling window manager is not a requirement, but highly recommended. July 26, 2023 at 11:57AM
Show HN: A glTF to HTML5 Zip Converter
Show HN: A glTF to HTML5 Zip Converter For everyone graphically and visually talented people there's now a converter that lets you render gltf 3d models in a web site of your choice. How it works is that you post your gltf model to a hosting space of your choice, and let our web service know the url to the gltf file. Then web service generates a zip file that has 3d engine included and unzipping it to your hosting space directory (again the same operation) lets you display the 3d model in a web page. Final touches come with ordinary embed tag which just need to find the index.html that was stored in the zip file and specify the size of the canvas with width/height tags. Embed allows you to include instance of 3d engine to your own articles and web pages. July 26, 2023 at 05:44AM
Show HN: I built a multiplayer Gameboy
Show HN: I built a multiplayer Gameboy Still very much a work in progress, but really wanted to share this even in it's early state. Had heaps of fun building it to learn more about WebRTC. July 26, 2023 at 12:33PM
Show HN: Django Admin Site Customization Tutorial
Show HN: Django Admin Site Customization Tutorial July 26, 2023 at 12:37PM
Tuesday, 25 July 2023
Show HN: Shell AI – My Aggressively Minimal Open Source Assistant
Show HN: Shell AI – My Aggressively Minimal Open Source Assistant July 25, 2023 at 01:53PM
Show HN: I spent a weekend building a tool that lets you make LoRAs without code
Show HN: I spent a weekend building a tool that lets you make LoRAs without code July 25, 2023 at 11:59PM
Show HN: Launch a Product Like a Boss
Show HN: Launch a Product Like a Boss I put together a list of resources that helps anyone launch a product faster. Submit to communities, websites, startup credits, marketing mental models and more. July 25, 2023 at 09:54AM
Show HN: Time-Saving Chrome Extension for Journalists Doing Research on YouTube
Show HN: Time-Saving Chrome Extension for Journalists Doing Research on YouTube Hello Hacker News community, I've been developing a simple Chrome extension designed to assist journalists and researchers or learners in their YouTube investigations. You can swiftly identify specific segments within a video using semantic searches, powered by the OpenAI API. This transforms hours of potential scrubbing into moments of precision seeking. Whether you're sifting through extensive interviews, press conferences, and event footage on YouTube, or you require a quote from a video source, This extension is a handy tool. It also aids in quickly fact-checking statements made in YouTube videos. I hope you find it useful! July 25, 2023 at 10:58AM
Show HN: CharacterAI but Narrated and Savable and Editable
Show HN: CharacterAI but Narrated and Savable and Editable July 25, 2023 at 02:59AM
Monday, 24 July 2023
Show HN: Prosona – Your co-pilot for intelligent responses in Slack
Show HN: Prosona – Your co-pilot for intelligent responses in Slack Prosona was built to solve a personal problem at work - we’re constantly bombarded by questions from colleagues and our productivity suffered as a result. All knowledge workers spend 15% - 20% of their time searching and gathering information. This often occurs when a colleague asks for a status update or how something works. Although the answers may be simple, the process of referring to Jira, grabbing links, and formulating an apt response is time-consuming. Until Prosona, this inconvenient context switch was just an accepted aspect of work life. The issue is compounded by the dispersion of knowledge across a variety of apps such as Google Drive, Slack, and Email. We lose track of where information resides, or worse, forget about the existence of some information within our tools altogether. Adding new information to the mix becomes a tedious task of properly categorizing and documenting it. This is where Prosona comes in. Our system integrates with all your knowledge stores, learns your unique tone of voice to then generate a draft allowing you to further personalize the message if needed. In terms of security, we place the utmost importance on the protection of your data which is why it is encrypted in our vector DB. It can only be decrypted by you. As an employee, your focus should be on achieving what truly matters: whether it's meeting your OKRs, making an impact, or enjoying pastimes outside work. The last thing you need is to get bogged down in crafting routine messages to keep colleagues updated. All you have to do is type `/prosona` in Slack, and a beautiful draft will be written grounded in your context and tone. Today we’re launching our private beta. To take part, sign up on our website. We're providing access to the first 500 people who register. July 25, 2023 at 06:00AM
Show HN: OpenAI-Functools: Simplified Generation of OpenAI Functions Metadata
Show HN: OpenAI-Functools: Simplified Generation of OpenAI Functions Metadata July 24, 2023 at 02:52PM
Show HN: I built a transit travel time map
Show HN: I built a transit travel time map This was something I built while trying to look for housing in Toronto that was decently transit-accessible to my office while still cheap. The backend is written in Rust. It parses public GTFS data from transit agencies and performs a simple heuristics-based BFS on the bus lines to calculate how long to reach all points in a city. The frontend uses React and Mapbox GL to render each individual road segment based on how long it takes to reach. This project was a great excuse to learn Rust, deployments, and mapping. The source code is here if you are interested: July 24, 2023 at 02:49PM
Show HN: Borgo – a Rusty language that compiles to Go
Show HN: Borgo – a Rusty language that compiles to Go Hey HN Borgo is a programming language I've been working on for the past year. It looks like Rust (because I didn't want to write a parser) and compiles to Go. What I want from a programming language is: - Sum types - Pattern matching - Option/Result types - Garbage collected - Concurrency without async - Good third-party package ecosystem Borgo is my attempt at filling the gaps in the list above, adding features seen in ML-like languages to Go. One ambitious goal of this project is to be compatible with existing Go packages. Generating bindings is pretty much automatic (there's an importer tool) and should help massively with adoption. The repo includes bindings to some packages in the stdlib already. The compiler is in no way complete, but you can definitely build some interesting programs with it. The online playground runs the compiler as a WASM binary, stitches together the transpiled Go code and sends it off for execution to the official Go playground. The playground contains quite a few examples and goes more in depth into each feature: Would appreciate any feedback! :) July 24, 2023 at 02:22PM
Show HN: Free Threads Video Downloader
Show HN: Free Threads Video Downloader July 24, 2023 at 09:33AM
Show HN: I Created a Amazon Price Comparison Extension That Saves You $$$
Show HN: I Created a Amazon Price Comparison Extension That Saves You $$$ I was fed up of habit shopping from Amazon. So I created a Chrome Extension that allows you to easily, compare from every major retailer, whilst still browsing Amazon. Any feedback is welcomed :) July 24, 2023 at 12:05PM
Sunday, 23 July 2023
Show HN: My Pen Plotting Journey
Show HN: My Pen Plotting Journey July 24, 2023 at 02:57AM
Show HN: CreatorKit – FREE self-host OSS alternative to Mailchimp
Show HN: CreatorKit – FREE self-host OSS alternative to Mailchimp July 24, 2023 at 04:08AM
Show HN: StratusGFX – new release of my open sourced 3D rendering engine
Show HN: StratusGFX – new release of my open sourced 3D rendering engine Today I was able to release version 0.10 of my open sourced 3D rendering engine. It is the result of a few months worth of work. The previous version was also posted here and received tons of feedback which greatly helped the project! Since then I've been working to add new features and refine existing ones. GitHub: Video showreel: The biggest changes for this version include an overhauled global illumination system, FXAA+TAA, and better mesh LOD generation and selection. July 23, 2023 at 07:59AM
Show HN: Scaffolder, CLI tool to generate project structure, taken from YAML
Show HN: Scaffolder, CLI tool to generate project structure, taken from YAML Scaffolder is a CLI tool written in Golang to instantly generate skeleton project structure with boilerplate code, that's taken from configurable YAML file, to quickly kick-start your project I was tired of manually creating the project structure, with all those folder, files... So I decided to create a CLI tool that allows you to instantly generate skeleton projects, based on a reusable YAML file with boilerplate code if specified. YAML is very easy for both humans and programs to work with and parse, hence why it's the most logical choice in context of Scaffolder. Check out the GitHub page for detailed description and examples :) July 23, 2023 at 08:48AM
Saturday, 22 July 2023
Show HN: Write Excel Formulas in Seconds with AI
Show HN: Write Excel Formulas in Seconds with AI July 23, 2023 at 06:37AM
Show HN: Interesting Maps
Show HN: Interesting Maps July 22, 2023 at 10:10PM
Show HN: Trivia Book made with GPT-4
Show HN: Trivia Book made with GPT-4 Free for the next 5 days. July 22, 2023 at 03:51PM
Show HN: Writing stories by using GPT engine
Show HN: Writing stories by using GPT engine July 22, 2023 at 07:52AM
Show HN: Ulry – Lightweight and fast link archiver app for iOS
Show HN: Ulry – Lightweight and fast link archiver app for iOS Hey HN! Ulry is a link archiver that allows you to save and organize your favorite links in one convenient place. It uses SQLite under the hood and it does not require any kind of registration. There are many other features like full-text search, ability to add notes to every link and URL redirections, folder, tags and a lot more. I initially created this project because I couldn't keep up with a lot of HN links that ended up in the front page and that I wanted to read in the future. At the time, I was not able to find a simple link archiver that worked without registration and I hated the fact that almost every link archiver that I tried scraped all the text inside of any URL that I saved just to give me an in-app reading experience that I did not want. Ulry is very fast, simple and lightweight AND it does not require registration. Under the hood, the app is going to make a simple HTTP request to the links that you want to save and it will parse meta tags like `og:title`, `og:description`, `og:image` and save it in the local SQLite database (that you can export and inspect whenever you want), ready to be shown in the app. I've been working on Ulry for more than a year as a side project and to improve my iOS skills, mainly for fun. I decided to open-source the project as I have received a lot of positive feedbacks and feature requests but I do not have the time to work on it anytime soon. I've had quite a positive experience in the past with the OS community, plus, I don't want to stop people from improving the product or customise it further with new features or simply learn from it as I consider this to be an intermediate level app. So that's why I'm here! Disclaimer: At the moment the app misses some crucial features like iCloud sync between devices, but I initially designed the app for myself and my usage and for the moment I am 100% satisfied with it. If you want to take a look at the app, you can navigate to the very basic webpage that I created for it at , there you will also find the App Store link. I'm eager to find out what you think about the app and hopefully I'll work on it with some of you in the future :) July 22, 2023 at 12:34AM
Show HN: Vanity, Recognition and Fighting Perfectionism – Buildlog for Git Vain
Show HN: Vanity, Recognition and Fighting Perfectionism – Buildlog for Git Vain July 22, 2023 at 09:49AM
Friday, 21 July 2023
Show HN: I trained a 65B LLM on my texts to talk to myself (details inside)
Show HN: I trained a 65B LLM on my texts to talk to myself (details inside) I trained the 65b model on my texts so I can talk to myself. It's pretty useless as an assistant, and will only do stuff you convince it to, but I guess it's technically uncensored? I'll leave it up for a bit if you want to chat with it. I posted this to Reddit and had several hundred people talking to it. Salient points from that discussion: LLAMA 1 65b Rank 128 5 epochs Batch size 1, 256 cutoff Trained in the Oobabooga suite using bitsandbytes 4-bit quantization for the lora Loss around 1.5 seems to give the most coherent results Trained on raw text dumps that is then parsed by a crappy Blazor Server app I threw together in a few hours. Text format is just "Sender:The Message\n" Trained on 2x 3090 Training took about 16 hours at a 90% power cap on the 3090's Trained on ~30k texts (I talk a lot, that was just 2 years) There's nothing telling it that it's a robot, though it sometimes seems to know It was largely inspired by the Unreal Engine lora tutorial I generated a list of fake names and addresses, pulled a list of my contacts, and then scripted out swapping the names and addresses for fictitious PII. I don't really send other sensitive data through text and my account is so thoroughly associated with my real name/location that the data leakage risk is manageable for the short period of time I'll have this available. It tends to halucinate fake PII as well which I think is partially a side effect of the data scrubbing. You'll notice it says things like that I live at 420 Ligma. I'll need to mix in some actual assistant tasks to the dataset before it will actually be useful as an assistant. Right now it's largely just for idle conversation. It's pretty ADHD and will randomly go off on its own tangents. I don't think it's the model. I think I just talk like that. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. I built it for myself, but figured I'll let the communities that have taught and entertained me so much play with it a little, too. Note: it says some pretty unhinged stuff. There's absolutely no guardrails. It also tends to talk like you're already friends with history. July 21, 2023 at 05:01PM
Show HN: Guiding LLM outputs using Zod
Show HN: Guiding LLM outputs using Zod July 21, 2023 at 10:02PM
Show HN: Datalake for Computer Vision Projects
Show HN: Datalake for Computer Vision Projects Buddhika, Kelum, and Chong Han here. We are building a self-hosted data infrastructure platform for computer vision. Our community page is In the past, we worked on a couple of high-scale computer vision projects in retail, farming, and hospitals in various capacities. These projects involved 2D object sections, 3D object tracking, and more advanced 3D perception. Like other CV Engineers, we observed a common factor during these projects: one needs a large volume of high-quality data to build a production-deployable CV system. Our biggest challenge was not having a robust data infrastructure to handle large volumes of data. Our S3 buckets were like a data swamp; we had so much raw image and video in storage buckets without tracking. Instead of working on CV, we had to develop tools for data operations. We understand that many of us have our own custom scripts and stitch them together to make things happen in the CV pipeline. However, it is brittle and cumbersome to maintain. We wanted to build a system on top of the cloud buckets such as S3 that store all file indexes, labels, metadata attributes, inference outputs, model training outcomes, and literally anything related to machine learning/computer vision. This makes it possible for us to search for anything and consume efficiently. This behaves as a DataLake (by the way, "DataLake" is an overused term). All other downstream processes in the CV pipeline can access data more efficiently via SDK and can also return data back to the Lake (e.g., training/inference outcomes). The reason we made it self-hosted is to address data security and privacy concerns. Since data is fundamental to AI, we believe that companies and organizations should have complete control over it. Currently, we support AWS, GCP, and Azure cloud buckets; soon, we will support local storage. We ship this as a Docker container so you can just install it on any VM or local server. The installation script will do all the configuration automatically. The Python SDK and documentation are available but not perfect yet. We’ve launched this under MIT and Elastic licenses so any developer can use it. Our goal is not to charge individual developers. We make money by charging a license fee for things like multiple users, multiple buckets, scalability with K8, and providing support. Give it a try: Let us know what you think. July 22, 2023 at 12:15AM
Show HN: Qwokka – see what's great on Netflix
Show HN: Qwokka – see what's great on Netflix July 21, 2023 at 04:20PM
Show HN: Primo – a visual CMS with Svelte blocks, a code editor, and SSG
Show HN: Primo – a visual CMS with Svelte blocks, a code editor, and SSG July 21, 2023 at 01:38PM
Show HN: A non-VC backed content creation and social media platform
Show HN: A non-VC backed content creation and social media platform Hey HN, I'm soft launching my MVP today and would love to hear your honest feedback. For the past few months I've been working extremely hard on this side hustle in my spare time (I have a day job as a CTO). I'm building a platform for writers, bloggers and content creators that's built for them rather than for investors and advertisers like most similar products and social media platforms backed by VCs. I wrote about why I built it here: And the landing page is here: I would really love your honest feedback, if you care to share them with me. :) In the next week or two I'll write about how I built this MVP in three months - the tech, the architecture, the experiments and the missteps... If you are curious, stay tuned! July 21, 2023 at 01:22PM
Show HN: LibreScroll – enable flywheel-scrolling on any generic mouse
Show HN: LibreScroll – enable flywheel-scrolling on any generic mouse Based on the framerate-independent momentum simulation[0] that I used in my TPMouse script[1] If you've ever used a mouse with Infinite-scrollwheel such as Logitech, this utility for Windows basically recreates that functionality for any generic mouse. Actually, it's even better than that: this allows for simultaneous horizontal and vertical scrolling, so essentially it combines two of the best features of the Logitech MX Master -- horizontal wheel, and unlocked momentum scrolling -- into one intuitive control scheme. To enable horizontal scrolling, set the X-sensitivity to a value you prefer. [0] [1] July 19, 2023 at 10:36AM
Thursday, 20 July 2023
Show HN: Open Video Game Data: A new approach to evaluating games
Show HN: Open Video Game Data: A new approach to evaluating games > Introduction Our idea is to offer an alternative to well-known sites like Metacritic and OpenCritic, but with a different approach. Instead of being a score aggregator, we will be a list aggregator. Metacritic brings together reviews from multiple review sites in one place, providing a final score of 0-100 based on a weighted arithmetic average, where some critics carry more weight than others. An alternative to Metacritic is OpenCritic, where all critics are weighted equally in the final average. However, both still work with numeric scores. > Why relying on scores can be problematic? - Ratings only reflect the state of the game at launch Today, more than ever, games are constantly evolving. It is common to have "patch day one", that is, games released with bugs and incomplete content. However, with time and help from the community, these games can be improved, as was the case with No Man's Sky. When No Man's Sky was released in 2016, its average on Metacritic was just 61, due to the troubled release. However, over the years, the game has evolved significantly with updates, but its Metacritic score remains frozen at 61. Alternative: As the lists are constantly evolving and updating, they more accurately reflect the current quality of the games, tracking their improvements and changes over time. - The average score can be unfair as it is based on the amount of critics Sometimes, the amount of crits heavily influences a game's rating. An example of this is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, with an average of 99 on Metacritic, based on 22 critics. While The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild averages a 97, based on 109 critics. Getting a high average based on a large number of critics is extremely difficult, and this can influence the overall perception of a game. Alternative: When a final list is created, all games have an equal chance of appearing in different lists. For example, game A might be included in 3 out of 11 lists, while game B might be mentioned in 5 out of 11 lists. The total amount of lists will always be the same for all games. - Relying on an average can be inaccurate Metacritic converts the different rating scales of review sites into a single percentage-based quantitative scale. However, this conversion can be inaccurate and unfair, as each site uses different rating systems. This approach can result in important information being lost during conversion, affecting the accuracy of the final result. Alternative: With our ranked lists approach, we eliminate the need to convert rating systems, as all lists, regardless of site, follow the same common logic. In all lists, there will always be first place, second place, and so on. > A great alternative: *Open Video Game Data* Our site aims to be just another alternative to note-based sites. Our approach to aggregating lists allows users to have a more comprehensive and up-to-date view of games as these lists are constantly updated by the community. The calculation method is quite simple and transparent. All lists on the site have a maximum size of 15 games. When a game ranks first in a list, it is rewarded with 15 points, while if it ranks last, it only receives 1 point. > Conclusion Open Video Game Data seeks to provide gamers and game enthusiasts with a reliable tool to make informed decisions about which games to play, taking into account critics' opinions and the ongoing evolution of the gaming industry. With the active participation of the community, users can add critic lists and can also create personal lists that are also aggregated, we hope to build an inclusive and reference platform for the gaming community, promoting a more complete and updated analysis about the games that so much we love. Come be part of our community! Create an account and join us to explore the world of playlists. Welcome to Open Video Game Data! Visit us at: July 21, 2023 at 01:26AM
Show HN: A fine-tuned Stable Diffusion model for generating Minecraft skins
Show HN: A fine-tuned Stable Diffusion model for generating Minecraft skins July 20, 2023 at 11:40PM
Show HN: RAGstack – private ChatGPT for enterprise VPCs, built with Llama 2
Show HN: RAGstack – private ChatGPT for enterprise VPCs, built with Llama 2 Hey hacker news, We’re the cofounders at ( ) where we help companies connect LLMs to private data. With the launch of Llama 2, we think it’s finally viable to self-host an internal application that’s on-par with ChatGPT, so we did exactly that and made it an open source project. We also included a vector DB and API server so you can upload files and connect Llama 2 to your own data. The RAG in RAGstack stands for Retrieval Augmented Generation, a technique where the capabilities of a large language model (LLM) are augmented by retrieving information from other systems and inserting them into the LLM’s context window via a prompt. This gives LLMs information beyond what was provided in their training data, which is necessary for almost every enterprise application. Examples include data from current web pages, data from SaaS apps like Confluence or Salesforce, and data from documents like sales contracts and PDFs. RAG works better than fine-tuning the model because it’s cheaper, it’s faster, and it’s more reliable since the provenance of information is attached to each response. While there are quite quite a few “chat with your data” apps at this point, most have external dependencies to APIs like OpenAI or Pinecone. RAGstack, on the other hand, only has open-source dependencies and lets you run the entire stack locally or on your cloud provider. This includes: - Containerizing LLMs like Falcon, Llama2, and GPT4all with Truss - Vector search with Qdrant. - File parsing and ingestion with Langchain, PyMuPDF, and - Cloud deployment with Terraform If you want to dive into it yourself, we also published a couple of tutorials on how to deploy open source LLMs for your organization, and optionally give it access to internal documents without any data ever leaving your VPC. - How to deploy Llama 2 to Google Cloud (GCP): - How to connect Llama 2 to your own data using RAGstack: Let a thousand private corporate oracles bloom! July 20, 2023 at 06:11PM
Show HN: Keeper – GPLv3 app to store your personal info based on YAML templates
Show HN: Keeper – GPLv3 app to store your personal info based on YAML templates Keeper is a command line GPLv3 application, programmed in Go, designed to privately store your personal info using custom formats described in YAML templates. Using Sqlite as the backend. July 20, 2023 at 08:23AM
Show HN: I built a 'newspaper' that summarizes current events with GPT
Show HN: I built a 'newspaper' that summarizes current events with GPT Hi HN! I built a proof of concept 'newspaper' that creates short news articles of today's current events with GPT. This is a very rough proof of concept but I can't help but think this concept is the future. I think we'll all have AI daily newspapers in whatever theme we want, covering any amount of information we want, with the ability to expand or contract article length instantly. Sharing just to get everyone thinking about this future. Thanks for reading! July 20, 2023 at 11:29AM
Show HN: PDF Differ
Show HN: PDF Differ July 20, 2023 at 11:46AM
Wednesday, 19 July 2023
Show HN: Scenic – explore and find interesting places along a route using GPT4
Show HN: Scenic – explore and find interesting places along a route using GPT4 Hi HN, Made a small app because I found myself doing this manually quite a few times using GPT-4. You put in where you're starting and where you're going, and what kind of places you want to see along the way, and it'll find places and identify a reasonable(ish) path. It's very simple but it has some nice features (e.g. you can get a Google Maps link). The place features you search for can be basically anything and can be as opinionated as you'd like. This is just for fun, but please let me know if you have any suggestions! July 19, 2023 at 07:08PM
Show HN: Infisical – open-source secret management platform
Show HN: Infisical – open-source secret management platform Hi HN, we’re the founders of Infisical, the open source secret management platform – it provides an end-to-end set of tools to manage your secrets across your team and infrastructure ( ). Excited to show you all the progress that we’ve made in the past few months after our Launch HN in February ( ) and Show HN in December ( ). During the previous Show HN and Launch HN, we received a ton of feedback which helped us improve Infisical. We’ve since released: - Secret scanning: a new toolset to block commits with hardcoded secrets and continuously monitor your code. - Folders: Deeper organizational structure within projects to accommodate for microservice architectures and storage of more secret types like user API keys and OAuth tokens. - Node and Python SDKs, Webhooks: More ways to integrate and start syncing secrets with Infisical across your infrastructure. - Integrations with Terraform, Supabase, Railway, Checkly, Cloudflare Pages, Azure Key Vault, Laravel Forge, and more. - Secret Referencing and Importing: to create a proper single source of truth. - 1-click deployments to AWS EC2, Digital Ocean, Render, []( ): More ways to self-host Infisical on your own infrastructure. In addition, the platform has become more stable and undergone a full-coverage penetration test; we’ve also begun the SOC 2 (Type II) certification process. Overall, we’re really lucky to have support of the developer community, and, in fact, Infisical has gathered over 7k GitHub stars, and now processes over 200 million secrets per month for everyone from solo developers to public enterprises. Our repo is published under the MIT license so any developer can use Infisical. Again, the goal is to not charge individual developers. We make money by charging a license fee for some enterprise features as well as providing a hosted version and support. Check out Infisical Cloud ( ) or self-host Infisical on your own infrastructure ( ). We’d love to hear what you think! We’re excited to continue building Infisical, and keep shipping features for you. Please let us know if you have any thoughts, feedback, or feature suggestions! July 19, 2023 at 04:40PM
Show HN: Efficient intermediate data sharing for Kedro pipelines
Show HN: Efficient intermediate data sharing for Kedro pipelines Data processing pipelines are becoming increasingly complex, and intermediate data sharing is becoming the bottleneck, especially for data-intensive analytics and data preprocessing in machine learning and AI. This blog shows the possibility of efficient data sharing in data science pipelines, which naturally fits the settings of Kubernetes. It demonstrates how existing codebases can benefit from it without requiring an overhaul of the engineering effort. July 19, 2023 at 10:53AM
Show HN: Hash functions from C++ running in WebAssembly
Show HN: Hash functions from C++ running in WebAssembly July 19, 2023 at 11:56AM
Show HN: I created a platform to rally my community
Show HN: I created a platform to rally my community July 19, 2023 at 07:14AM
Show HN: ProseMirror.Net
Show HN: ProseMirror.Net We've released a translation of the core ProseMirror projects to C#! Currently we are utilizing this library in our DotNet backend to map collab edits and verify schema compliance for client submitted steps. It's not a focus of ours, but it will be interesting to see how this might get used on platforms C# runs on natively; like IOS or Android.. July 19, 2023 at 12:48AM
Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Show HN: Site that lets you pay me if you don't walk your talk
Show HN: Site that lets you pay me if you don't walk your talk I built a web app that lets you share your goals publicly, together with a pledged amount. If you achieve your goal, great! Else, you pay the pledged amount as a fine to me. Sounds goofy, but I hope it provides the extra reason for you to keep going when the going gets tough! July 19, 2023 at 03:54AM
Show HN: Logwise – AI Powered Log Analysis with context from all your apps
Show HN: Logwise – AI Powered Log Analysis with context from all your apps Hey HN! We're excited to introduce Logwise, our new AI-powered log analysis tool. (built by two devs who hate logs) Product page: Logwise makes debugging and incident response faster for developers. It uses natural language processing to automatically parse log data, surface insights, and detect anomalies. We built Logwise to eliminate the manual sifting of log analysis. Key features: - Search logs in plain English - no complex queries needed - Auto-generated alerts highlight potential issues - Contextual debugging advice speeds incident response - Centralized access to all your log data sources - Continuous learning improves analysis over time Logwise saves developers hours or even days wasted on manual log searches. We want to help resolve incidents 2x faster with accelerated insights Reduce context switching by aggregating all log data Let developers focus on building, not log mining Get ahead of problems with predictive anomaly detection We're currently working on: Customizable log parsing for different data formats Integrations with PagerDuty, Datadog, and other tools An API for accessing analysis results Try out the Logwise beta today! We'd love your feedback on how we can improve. Let us know if you have any feature requests. Our goal is to make AI-powered log analysis seamless and maximize developer productivity. Thanks for any feedback and support! July 18, 2023 at 05:49PM
Show HN: Mute Google Meet with Anything Connected to Home Assistant
Show HN: Mute Google Meet with Anything Connected to Home Assistant July 18, 2023 at 05:29PM
Show HN: Weaviate – Build your own generative health search engine
Show HN: Weaviate – Build your own generative health search engine We are super excited to release our latest open-source demo, Healthsearch. This demo decodes user reviews of supplements and performs semantic- and generative search on them, retrieving the most related products for specific health effects, and leveraging Large Language Models to generate product and review summaries. The demo can understand natural language queries and derive all search filters directly from the context of your query. July 18, 2023 at 04:30PM
Show HN: Listen to Paul Graham's Essays on Spotify and Apple
Show HN: Listen to Paul Graham's Essays on Spotify and Apple Link for Apple: July 18, 2023 at 03:53PM
Show HN: – An overview of Nürburgring info that we were missing
Show HN: – An overview of Nürburgring info that we were missing When we wanted to visit the Nurburgring, my friend and I searched for a good source with all information about it in one spot. Things like the best spots to view cars driving the Nordschleife track, where to rent cars or book taxi laps and other info. Turns out there didn't seem to be one clear and up-to-date source for all of this information. Many web sites were either dated, unclear os sometimes down right wrong. So we created the website we were missing and are launching it today: Currently it contains an overview of all available ring taxis and rental companies, all the different corners, their locations and descriptions and some interesting or useful POIs all on a mobile friendly interactive map[0]. It is still a work in progress and we will be adding things like walking routes to great vantage points and more thorough explanations of the (financial) risks of driving the ring. One thing we were also missing was a way to view the track status online, since the official site doesn't seem to provide this. The only way to know whether the track is closed is to view a large sign near the entrance, which is very inconvenient when you're watching on the other side of the track and cars suddenly stop coming. There are Whatsapp groups that provide this info, but they're hard to find for a regular visitor. So we also solved this issue, by providing near real-time track status[1] info using OpenCV on their public webcam feed. The site was built using Strapi CMS and 11ty with the dynamic parts implemented through Netlify Cloud functions, Firebase and PHP. 0: 1: July 18, 2023 at 10:55AM
Show HN: Comments Owl for Hacker News 2.0 – now for Safari and mobile
Show HN: Comments Owl for Hacker News 2.0 – now for Safari and mobile Hacker News has one of the designs of all time - I initially made this extension because I wanted to be able to follow comment threads across multiple visits _without_ searching for "hour(s) ago" and "minutes ago", while preserving the UI we all know. This major release adds a Safari version (it can also be installed on Kiwi Browser or Firefox Beta on Android) and mobile support for the first time, with specific UX tweaks for the mobile breakpoint version, such as being able make list screen flagging require confirmation, improving the header somewhat and increasing the distance between the upvote and downvote buttons. Since its first Show HN 4 years ago, it now also has user management features - you can add notes to other users which will be displayed next to their comments, and you can also mute people if you feel the need to. If you have any other feature requests or UX issues with HN you'd like fixed, please submit them on GitHub! July 18, 2023 at 11:49AM
Monday, 17 July 2023
Show HN: Weekly Charts of Strong Stocks and ETFs
Show HN: Weekly Charts of Strong Stocks and ETFs Hi HN users, My project is This project generates and shows a weekly list of strong stocks and ETFs. My definition of a "strong" stock is a stock that is rising, upward trending and advancing stock. This project is based on an idea which I have after reading the book, "How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market" by Nicolas Darvas. I have used UNIX shell scripts and GNU Awk to calculate the statistic; and HTML, CSS and SVG for presentation; and GNU Make for building this project. The stock prices and industry profile of the companies are sourced from I intent to open source the code, on github, but have not decided on a license that best fit this project. I would welcome your suggestion. Initialy, I hope to setup this project as a paid subscription service, maybe say, between one to ten dollars per month. But after much consideration, maybe a open source model is better, as I do not want to turn my hobby project into a business and the hassle of managing it. I prefer to share this project with everyone, with a contribution model. I hope this project is useful to you, as it is for me. All suggestions, feedback and questions are welcome. And I thank you for your time and attention, and support. nano17c (maintainer of PS. I am a long time passive reader of HN. Just create an account recently to show case my first side project. July 17, 2023 at 07:28AM
Show HN: A Ruby gem for generating migration from mermaid er diagram
Show HN: A Ruby gem for generating migration from mermaid er diagram Hi HN and great ruby hackers, I have just published a ruby gem for generating migration files from markdown files written in Mermaid.js. You can write down some ER diagrams on markdown files and then generate migration files via running single command. I'd really love to get feedbacks and or problems. July 17, 2023 at 06:37AM
Show HN: Open-Source AI Playground
Show HN: Open-Source AI Playground July 17, 2023 at 01:46PM
Sunday, 16 July 2023
Show HN: A GitHub bot to automaticaly merge prs
Show HN: A GitHub bot to automaticaly merge prs July 16, 2023 at 09:20PM
Show HN: Structured output from LLMs without reprompting
Show HN: Structured output from LLMs without reprompting Built a tool for transforming unstructured data into structured outputs using language models (with 100% adherence). If you're facing problems getting GPT to adhere to a schema (JSON, XML, etc.) or regex, need to bulk process some unstructured data, or generate synthetic data, check it out. We run our own tuned model (you can self-host if you want), so, we're able to have incredibly fine grained control over text generation. Repository: Playground: July 16, 2023 at 07:30PM
Show HN: nodice-cli, a simple diceware generator in Python with no dependencies
Show HN: nodice-cli, a simple diceware generator in Python with no dependencies July 16, 2023 at 08:27PM
Show HN: Semantic Video Search Using OpenAI’s Clip
Show HN: Semantic Video Search Using OpenAI’s Clip July 16, 2023 at 05:30PM
Show HN: YouTube Channel – ChessGoddess
Show HN: YouTube Channel – ChessGoddess I created a new channel on YouTube dedicated to chess games. July 16, 2023 at 05:31AM
Show HN: Count lines of code in public GitHub repos
Show HN: Count lines of code in public GitHub repos July 16, 2023 at 01:33PM
Show HN: Open-source web app that uses ImageMagick to view PDFs
Show HN: Open-source web app that uses ImageMagick to view PDFs July 16, 2023 at 07:20AM
Saturday, 15 July 2023
Show HN: Simulating two gears in my game
Show HN: Simulating two gears in my game July 15, 2023 at 07:56PM
Show HN: Tiny command-driven Twitch bot framework for Go
Show HN: Tiny command-driven Twitch bot framework for Go July 15, 2023 at 11:14PM
Show HN:
Show HN: During my (ongoing) engineering degree, I've often looked up formulas and been frustrated at the lack of reliable results. Some formulas (usually the easy ones) get their own blurb on Google results, while others are a few clicks away, or are most easily accessed by looking at random university slides on Google images. It felt like, in this day and age, there should be a site that serves the small but noble purpose of being a source of truth for formulas, while leveraging modern website technology to provide a fast and user-friendly experience. So, I made (with some friends)! It's a really simple website, basically just collection of formulas with a search bar. The formulas are displayed in LaTeX, they're double checked by me against sources that I link for further reading, and I write out all the variable definitions for each one. A feature I recently added was the ability to copy the LaTeX on any formula page (e.g. go to and click on any LaTeX). LLMs aren't great at getting complex LaTeX right yet, so this felt like a nice value add for users. I've been using this site as basically just a personal hashmap of formulas, but I think it has the potential to help others as well, so I'm hoping to get feedback, formula suggestions, and maybe even some contributors with this post. If you're interested, the source code for the project is available on GitHub at: About page: Thank you all! July 15, 2023 at 04:49PM
Show HN: Docker 2 Kubernetes
Show HN: Docker 2 Kubernetes Convert docker compose to Kubernetes July 15, 2023 at 01:28PM
Show HN: Waysto – Unlock Your Learning Potential with Step-by-Step Guides
Show HN: Waysto – Unlock Your Learning Potential with Step-by-Step Guides Hey there, fellow hackers! We're excited to introduce Waysto, a game-changing platform that's all about unlocking your learning potential. With Waysto, you can dive into a vast library of step-by-step guides, tutorials, and practical knowledge curated by our passionate community. Whether you're a curious beginner or an experienced pro, we've got you covered with topics ranging from coding to cooking, DIY projects to personal development. But what makes Waysto truly special is our commitment to collaboration and continuous improvement. We invite you to explore, contribute, and connect with like-minded learners on this exciting journey. Give Waysto a spin and let us know what you think. We can't wait to hear your feedback! Check it out at and unleash your learning potential today. July 15, 2023 at 08:51AM
Show HN: WhatsApp based simple order taking platform
Show HN: WhatsApp based simple order taking platform July 15, 2023 at 06:43AM
Friday, 14 July 2023
Show HN: A tool that explains any human behavior as Robert Saplosky would do it
Show HN: A tool that explains any human behavior as Robert Saplosky would do it I'm a big fan of Dr. Saplosky and his book Behave. He talks about how we need to look at any human behavior holistically to understand what really happened rather than looking for simple explanations. But it's hard for us to think like that. So I built this small tool that helps us get started. July 15, 2023 at 06:18AM
Show HN: I adopted TailwindCSS on Jackal
Show HN: I adopted TailwindCSS on Jackal July 15, 2023 at 02:56AM
Show HN: I built a tool to download your chess games
Show HN: I built a tool to download your chess games Hi HN, here is my humble weekend project. I couldn’t find any similar utilities online that would let me download all of my chess games, so I decided to make one. It’s definitely imperfect, so please let me know if you have any feedback! July 15, 2023 at 12:36AM
Show HN: Sociables: The community platform for content creators and niches
Show HN: Sociables: The community platform for content creators and niches Hey HN. We've been working on a community platform/Reddit alternative with a focus on building a place for people to create communities instead of just buckets of posts. We want communities to feel like a place where you want to hang out instead of just scroll. At a high level, our platform is like a Reddit/Discord/Patreon hybrid. We took all of the best features from each of those platforms and combined them under one umbrella. Here's a list of the core features of each community: 1. Customizable discussion boards: Community owners can set up threaded discussion boards for different topics related to their niche. For example, if a user creates a community for a niche like "Sports", they can create different discussion boards for subcategories like "Soccer", "Football", “Hockey”, and "Golf". This is different from Reddit, where you only have a singular discussion board per community. All the posts within these discussion boards are crawlable by search engines, meaning they will appear in search results. 2. Voice rooms: Community owners can set up Discord-style voice chat rooms where users can seamlessly jump between different rooms to communicate verbally. 3. Real-time text chatroom: We modelled the chat after Twitch so communities can have a form of instant messaging-style communication. 4. Synchronized YouTube/Vimeo player: Community owners can create a playlist of YouTube/Vimeo video embeds. Each community has a media player that cycles through the playlist and synchronizes the playback, so people within the community can watch the same video at the same time. 5. Baked-in monetization: Community owners can offer customizable tiered monthly membership plans that allow members to financially support them. Owners can also link their PayPal accounts to receive donations. Users can purchase post bumps within the boards and comment awards, and the revenue is shared with the community owner. (Note: Tiered memberships and paying to bump posts/comment awards are in development. Communities can currently only offer a singular membership tier). 6. Link-in-bio page: Each community has a link-in-bio style page where community owners can display a list of links related to their community. Posts from the community also appear on this page along with buttons to monetarily support the owner. This page is meant to act as the “cover” page of the community. 7. Moderation tooling: Communities can set up custom user roles and assign different permissions within the community to these roles. You can assign permissions such as being able to move posts between boards, remove posts/comments and more. (Note: Our moderation tooling is currently in development. We are exploring integrating AI to automatically scan and flag posts that the moderators should review). July 14, 2023 at 02:51PM
Show HN: PingQuick – Turn your Python function into an API
Show HN: PingQuick – Turn your Python function into an API Hi there HN! I wanted to show you a weekend project I put together. Pingquick ( ) is a way to create APIs from your python functions. Just write/paste the function in, and it'll give you an endpoint to POST to. I made Pingquick because I just couldn't stand having to deal with deployment for some simple python functions. So, now I just put my code there and I can ping it as needed without needing to worry about any setup. Any and all feedback is very much welcome! Ian July 14, 2023 at 02:02PM
Thursday, 13 July 2023
Show HN: WhatTheDuck – Browser-Based SQL Engine Powered by DuckDb on WASM
Show HN: WhatTheDuck – Browser-Based SQL Engine Powered by DuckDb on WASM WhatTheDuck is a free-to-use tool that allows you to run SQL queries on your CSV files right in your browser. No data is sent anywhere. We've leveraged the power of DuckDB over WASM to make this possible. Do try it out and hit us with any feedback. July 14, 2023 at 06:37AM
Show HN: Mark Zuckerberg is doing a live AMA on Twitch (AI)
Show HN: Mark Zuckerberg is doing a live AMA on Twitch (AI) Hey HN! I built a 24/7 Twitch stream where an AI clone of Mark Zuckerberg is doing a live AMA with the chat lol. Twitch: You can ask Zuck any question in the chat, and he'll answer you live. About a day ago, I also built a 24/7 interactive livestream of "Paul Graham" doing an AMA on twitch: Have fun! :D July 14, 2023 at 02:45AM
Show HN: AI-Generated Vector Art
Show HN: AI-Generated Vector Art July 13, 2023 at 10:10PM
Show HN: – Automate anything on your Android phone without rooting
Show HN: – Automate anything on your Android phone without rooting Oto Click is an Android app that allows you to create automations for your Android phone. You can record your gestures, edit it out if required through a tiktok like editing interface and then share it on both on the community with others or personally with your friends or family. You can even setup timed execution for the automations to run automatically at a certain time even while you are asleep and your phone is locked. Please let me know your thoughts! July 13, 2023 at 11:30PM
Show HN: 2x-4x faster strlen() in C
Show HN: 2x-4x faster strlen() in C July 13, 2023 at 11:56AM
Show HN: Scriptarious, a basic macOS app to create, edit and launch shell script
Show HN: Scriptarious, a basic macOS app to create, edit and launch shell script This is Scriptarious, a little macOS app to create, edit and launch shell scripts from the menubar. Nothing fancy here just a basic application with - Syntax highlighting (using highlight.js) - Shortcuts/Hotkeys to launch shell scripts - Some built-in scripts I use To come: - syncing (without iCloudKit) - sharing - Feedbacks are welcome :-) July 13, 2023 at 08:56AM
Wednesday, 12 July 2023
Show HN: GroceryTrip – Turn receipts into nutritional information
Show HN: GroceryTrip – Turn receipts into nutritional information Hey HN, I've been working on a Flutter app for the past few months that turns receipts into useful nutrition information. The aim of this project is to make it easier to understand the nutrition and ingredients in our groceries simply by scanning a receipt. How GroceryTrip works (more detail in github repo): 1. Take a photo of your receipt (remains local, there's a demo receipt in the app if you don't have one on-hand) 2. Crop photo to relevant barcodes/names of products 3. View receipt Summary/Details 4. Optional: Contribute missing barcodes It's a super simple app currently, but I think it has potential to provide more insights into the food we purchase every week (viewing grocery trends over time may be useful). Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated! July 13, 2023 at 12:17AM
Show HN: SIXELs in XTerm
Show HN: SIXELs in XTerm July 12, 2023 at 05:13PM
Show HN: I used ChatGPT to talk to myself from 2015 [video]
Show HN: I used ChatGPT to talk to myself from 2015 [video] You can use ChatGPT and chat histories to have a chat with your former selves. Run the code in the repo to try it yourself! July 12, 2023 at 01:15PM
Show HN: PhotoProAI, upload a selfie, transform it into professional portraits
Show HN: PhotoProAI, upload a selfie, transform it into professional portraits PhotoProAI: Elevate Your Portrait Photography Game with a Single Selfie Upload! Say goodbye to the complexities and expenses of traditional professional portrait photography. How Does PhotoProAI Work? PhotoProAI utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and enhance your uploaded selfie, producing remarkable results that rival those of professional studios. Witness the power of artificial intelligence as it effortlessly transforms your selfies into breathtaking portraits, showcasing your unique beauty and personality. Key Features of PhotoProAI: Professional-Grade Portraits: Experience the magic of AI-powered image enhancement that elevates your selfies to a whole new level, resulting in professional-quality portraits that will leave you in awe. Simplified Workflow: Forget about scheduling appointments or worrying about studio costs. With PhotoProAI, achieving extraordinary portraits is as simple as uploading a single photo. Personalized Touch: Tailor the AI algorithms to match your desired style and aesthetic preferences. Watch as your selfies are transformed into portraits that truly reflect your individuality and vision. Would love to get your feedback, thanks! I would love to hear from you in our discord( ) July 12, 2023 at 03:52AM
Show HN: Local First Hugo CMS
Show HN: Local First Hugo CMS If you want to publish your site with a ready made template or you want to create your Hugo website from scratch. Quiqr has everything you need to get you started. July 12, 2023 at 07:14AM
Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Show HN: Open-source telegram search engine (
Show HN: Open-source telegram search engine ( This project helps users to search for bots, groups, channels, and chat history more easily within Telegram. July 12, 2023 at 02:38AM
Show HN: I managed to run ChromaDB inside GPT-4 Code Interpreter
Show HN: I managed to run ChromaDB inside GPT-4 Code Interpreter July 12, 2023 at 05:24AM
Show HN: Paul Graham is doing a live AMA on Twitch
Show HN: Paul Graham is doing a live AMA on Twitch Hi HN! I built a 24/7 Twitch stream where an AI clone of Paul Graham is doing a live AMA with the chat. You can ask PG any question in the chat, and he'll answer you live. I built this live stream over the weekend as a fun little hack, hope you enjoy it! :D Tech stack: - ffmpeg - GPT-4 - ElevenLabs / Tortoise TTS - Wav2Lip If you like the stream, I would greatly appreciate any donations to cover server costs: Have fun! July 12, 2023 at 01:18AM
Show HN: Chat with AI to Find Your Dream Job
Show HN: Chat with AI to Find Your Dream Job Hey HN friends, Just launched my first NoCode web app,, built with Bubble. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions! July 12, 2023 at 12:28AM
Show HN: Clickvote Open-source upvotes likes and reviews to any context
Show HN: Clickvote – Open-source upvotes, likes, and reviews to any context Clickvote takes the hassle of building your own reaction components around your content. Showing real-time updates of likes, upvotes, and reviews between clients. Learn about your members through deep analytics. Deal with an unlimited amount of clicks per second. You can read the full article here: The open-source Library is here: Please let me know your thoughts! Am I building something useless? July 11, 2023 at 03:29PM
Show HN: Simplify Appwrite Deployment on AWS
Show HN: Simplify Appwrite Deployment on AWS We have an exciting announcement for all Appwrite enthusiasts out there. Introducing Microtica, a powerful self-service cloud delivery platform that streamlines the deployment and management of Appwrite applications on AWS. Original Source: Microtica allows you to deploy your Appwrite backend on AWS effortlessly, freeing you from the complexities of infrastructure setup. With its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with popular Git providers, you can focus on building amazing applications without worrying about the deployment process. Why should you consider Microtica for your Appwrite deployments on AWS? Simplified Deployment: Deploy your Appwrite backend on AWS with just a few clicks. Scalability and Security: Benefit from Kubernetes-based infrastructure and robust security measures. Git Integration: Seamlessly manage your codebase with easy integration with popular Git providers. Monitoring and Insights: Gain valuable performance insights and monitor resource utilization within the Microtica platform. Cost Optimization: Scale your infrastructure based on application load and optimize cloud costs effortlessly. Join the Microtica community and unlock the full potential of your Appwrite deployments on AWS. We're excited to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you may have. Happy deploying with Microtica and Appwrite! July 11, 2023 at 10:33AM
Show HN: VC_OS A comprehensive roadmap to startup funding
Show HN: VC_OS – A comprehensive roadmap to startup funding July 11, 2023 at 10:00AM
Monday, 10 July 2023
Show HN: Laser a new game played on a chess board
Show HN: Laser, a new game played on a chess board Laser is a turn based game similar to chess, with different piece movement rules, starting position, and win conditions. It's named after the laser piece, which can shoot diagonally through every piece on the board except for the wall , which blocks it. The detailed rules are on the website. I made the website as a super minimal way to play online against friends. Nobody really knows about it so it might be hard to find a game, but maybe you will against someone on HN if people read this. It uses the chessboard UI which is super pretty and allows you to draw on the board, make premoves, etc. The code is public if you are interested: If you are playing, good luck, and don't get lasered! July 11, 2023 at 05:27AM
Show HN: Learn Japanese by Reading on iOS and macOS (SwiftUI)
Show HN: Learn Japanese by Reading on iOS and macOS (SwiftUI) I quit my job last year and worked mostly on this full SwiftUI rewrite of my Japanese reading app, Manabi Reader. The rewrite gave me the opportunity to expand to macOS (and without Catalyst so it feels extra native) and redo the data layer to be offline-first via Realm with iCloud sync. The biggest differentiators compared with other langauge study apps are that it tracks every word/kanji you read and automatically builds a personal corpus of example sentences; and that it does all the Japanese tokenization/dictionary lookups locally on-device and in a flexible web browser-like UI with readability mode, to be respectful of your privacy and to work offline. I've also added Anki integration. Tap a word, tap another button to save it to Anki. I have a Manabi Flashcards app as well if you don't like Anki. Packed with free features. See what percent of each article's vocabulary you're familiar with based on your reading history. Scan text with your camera to look it up. Japanese/English dict. Native Japanese web dicts. Look up kanji by drawing. Expanded JLPT levels. RSS. Web browser UI. Save links from other apps. Works offline. Readability mode. Tap words to look them up. Furigana depending on your familiarity with each word. Future plans: besides more features (ePUB, YouTube, mpv player, WaniKani integration, more languages, etc), I’m also preparing the underlying SwiftUI web browser lib as open source and will launch it as a WebKit-based browser/reader option, which I’m excited to get out alongside other interesting recent entrants to the desktop and mobile browser market. July 11, 2023 at 12:08AM
Show HN: A Repo for Making LLM Web Apps with NextJS OpenAI and AWS Lambda
Show HN: A Repo for Making LLM Web Apps with NextJS, OpenAI, and AWS Lambda I have put together an open source repo for demonstrating how to make an LLM web app with NextJS for the frontend, which maintains chat history, API Gateway + Lambda for the logic layer, using the OpenAI API for the LLM. This is very much a work in progress and most certainly not production ready, but they code will give you a kick start in the right direction. I hope you find it helpful. I intend to keep working it it for my own learning purposes. July 10, 2023 at 10:29PM
Show HN: Danswer Open-source question answering across all your docs
Show HN: Danswer – Open-source question answering across all your docs My friend and I have been feeling frustrated at how inefficient it is to find information at work. There are so many tools (Slack, Confluence, GitHub, Jira, Google Drive, etc.) and they provide different (often not great) ways to find information. We thought maybe LLMs could help, so over the last couple months we've been spending a bit of time on the side to build Danswer. It is an open source, self-hosted search tool that allows you to ask questions and get answers across common workspace apps AND your personal documents (via file upload / web scraping)! Full demo here: . The code ( ) is open source and permissively licensed (MIT). If you want to try it out, you can set it up locally with just a couple of commands (more details in our docs - ). We hope that someone out there finds this useful We’d love to hear from you in our Slack ( ) or Discord ( ). Let us know what other features would be useful for you! July 10, 2023 at 03:55PM
Show HN: Auger know the ROI on SaaS products before you buy
Show HN: Auger, know the ROI on SaaS products before you buy July 10, 2023 at 03:25PM
Show HN: Email marketing using SQL and AWS SES
Show HN: Email marketing using SQL and AWS SES July 10, 2023 at 02:11PM
Show HN: A lighting-fast and developer-friendly Federated Learning SDK
Show HN: A lighting-fast and developer-friendly Federated Learning SDK Hello everyone We have been working for a couple of years now on MetisFL, a federated learning framework that allows developers to federate their machine learning workflows and train their models across distributed datasets without having to collect the data in a centralized location. Since the project is now transitioning to a public phase, we are actively encouraging developers, researchers and data scientists to experiment with the framework and contribute to the codebase. Thank you in advance! July 10, 2023 at 10:18AM
Show HN: a web app to easily create a workout routine
Show HN: – a web app to easily create a workout routine Hey everyone, I here is a small open-source project I've been working on latel. I'd love to hear your thoughts and improvement ideas :) GitHub: []( ) July 10, 2023 at 07:01AM
Sunday, 9 July 2023
Show HN: React95 a React components library recreating the look of Windows 95
Show HN: React95 – a React components library recreating the look of Windows 95 July 10, 2023 at 02:49AM
Show HN: Threads videos downloader online(Threads to mp4)
Show HN: Threads videos downloader online(Threads to mp4) I have made a online website tool for download the videos from Threads. July 9, 2023 at 12:38PM
Saturday, 8 July 2023
Show HN: Threads Videos Downloader
Show HN: Threads Videos Downloader July 9, 2023 at 02:21AM
Show HN: Threads Photo Downloader
Show HN: Threads Photo Downloader July 9, 2023 at 02:29AM
Show HN: Poozle open-source integration infrastructure for AI Apps
Show HN: Poozle – open-source integration infrastructure for AI Apps July 9, 2023 at 03:13AM
Show HN: An index of all monthly dividend stocks
Show HN: An index of all monthly dividend stocks In my quest for finding high yield dividend stocks, I've noticed there isn't really a good tool for finding such stocks (that I can find, anyway), only pay-walled sites that are confusing and inaccessible. This little project seeks to remedy that. I'm sharing this in the hopes that you'll find it useful, but also to get feedback, in particular, about monetizing. While I built this to be useful, I would like to make some money on it, so if you have any recommendations, I'm all eyeballs. I fear I may have to resort to advertisements to keep the barrier to entry low. July 9, 2023 at 02:31AM
Show HN: I interview a small artist every week in my newsletter Small Ears
Show HN: I interview a small artist every week in my newsletter Small Ears Last year, I created a newsletter which is focused on interviewing small musical artists. It allows them to reach a wider audience as well as helping subscribers finding new artists. Since my post last year, it has grown a lot and I got a lot more interview coming. Also, if you know any artist that could be interested to be featured or if you want to sponsor the newsletter, feel free to send an email to July 9, 2023 at 01:01AM
Show HN: Stockstack.AI Distraction-free stock market research
Show HN: Stockstack.AI – Distraction-free stock market research July 8, 2023 at 08:58PM
Show HN: UI/UX Primer is a free eBook with 150 topics
Show HN: UI/UX Primer is a free eBook with 150+ topics I'm launching a free UI/UX primer ebook for people who want to start learning about user interface design and user experience development. Thank you to many HN readers who suggested topics a couple weeks ago. Constructive feedback is welcome. July 8, 2023 at 02:56PM
Show HN: SaaS for Unified Execution of Trades from Multiple Trading Strategies
Show HN: SaaS for Unified Execution of Trades from Multiple Trading Strategies TradeLink initially created a platform in 2020 that, using a given crypto exchange API key, parses information and presents a detailed trading performance report on a shareable webpage. This solution allowed traders to verify their performance to prospective clients. Interacting with experienced traders who demonstrated their long-term strategies on TradeLink, we conceptualized an asset management marketplace that lists only those trading strategies meeting our quality standards. Essentially, it's a copy trading platform showcasing quality-assured strategies. In addition to featuring only vetted traders, we've developed the Joint Execution Technology (JET). It's an API trading bot that concurrently executes multiple trading strategies on a single exchange account. Without registration, you can form an index from trading strategies listed on our marketplace by attributing percentage weights to each chosen strategy. After this, you can contact us, and we'll help you connect your Binance API key to try it firsthand. If you wish to list your trading strategy on our marketplace, regardless of whether or not you trade on Binance, don't hesitate to get in touch. July 8, 2023 at 11:06AM
Friday, 7 July 2023
Show HN: RDrama Featureset
Show HN: RDrama Featureset July 8, 2023 at 02:13AM
Show HN: Parse2docs turn Python Argparsers into usage documentation
Show HN: Parse2docs, turn Python Argparsers into usage documentation July 8, 2023 at 12:21AM
Thursday, 6 July 2023
Show HN: I built a dashboard tracking the number of Threads users
Show HN: I built a dashboard tracking the number of Threads users July 7, 2023 at 12:56AM
Show HN: I made an AI Dungeon Master to play D&D 5e with
Show HN: I made an AI Dungeon Master to play D&D 5e with Hey everyone, I built this project because I always wanted to try playing D&D but couldn’t find a group of friends or a DM to play with. It’s still early stages and not meant to be a complete replacement for real DMs or IRL sessions, but it’s a good way to dip your toes into DnD or to play on your phone between your IRL sessions. I tried playing D&D with ChatGPT but the overall experience was lacking, so I built this site & Discord bot that has a character sheet tool, better memory management, support for multiplayer, and automatic tracking for things like spells, HP, and encounters. Try it out at and let me know what you think! You can try it for free, but after a while there is a paywall since the GPT API costs aren’t cheap. July 6, 2023 at 06:50PM
Show HN: FinDrip a free data-driven finance email
Show HN: FinDrip – a free, data-driven finance email Hi! Thanny here. I’m pretty excited to share a cool project that me and my friend have been working on. FinDrip is a daily (or more) data-driven finance email that sends you curated market information. You can customize when you get your emails and what is contained in them! Right now we offer stock prices, technical indicators, news, and analyst ratings. We’d like to expand and refine our offerings and figure out what people want to see from it, so any feedback would be absolutely appreciated. Here’s a short-ish story of how it got started. Myself and my friend began our Master’s degrees in CS and one of the first classes we took was Machine Learning for Trading. We learned a lot about technical indicators and signals and whatnot. This was a couple of years ago, when crypto was less of a spicy topic, so I decided to put together a quick bot that would scan the market for signals and text them to me. I traded crypto currencies for a while purely based on these signals and ended up making a good bit of profit (don’t worry, I didn’t gamble a lot of money). After geeking out about it for a bit, my fiancé at the time informed me that perhaps other people would like to use it, too. That’s when we started building FinDrip, and it has really evolved from there. Now, we like to see FinDrip as a way to stay up to date on your personal slice of the stock market, without the hassle of scanning charts on various apps that charge insane subscriptions or require you to sign up with a driver’s license. We hope you enjoy it! Let us know what we can do better :-) Hit me up at July 6, 2023 at 06:21PM
Show HN: Automated blog about AI by AI curated by Human
Show HN: Automated blog about AI, by AI, curated by Human Hi! I'm an amateur dev, tinkering with AI. I love looking at new Open Source libraries and frameworks in AI, so I put together a blog that takes a repo url and posts a blog post about that repo. It's still work in progress but I hope you guys like it! July 6, 2023 at 11:26AM
Show HN: A template for cross-browser extensions using Svelte and TypeScript
Show HN: A template for cross-browser extensions using Svelte and TypeScript July 6, 2023 at 04:11PM
Show HN: A tutorial for building a 2D game engine with Go and OpenGL
Show HN: A tutorial for building a 2D game engine with Go and OpenGL This is a tutorial on how to build a 2D game engine with Go and OpenGL. The tutorial is based on the work I did for my own hobby game engine and I am writing it as a way to improve my code and understanding of the material (firm believer in the Feynman Technique). There are currently three tutorials and the plan is to release one every other week. Appreciate any feedback. July 6, 2023 at 01:59PM
Show HN: A Node Editor for LLMs with Semantic Kernel
Show HN: A Node Editor for LLMs with Semantic Kernel July 6, 2023 at 01:50PM
Wednesday, 5 July 2023
Show HN: Utubescripts create YouTube scripts in secs using AI (free demo)
Show HN: Utubescripts – create YouTube scripts in secs using AI (free demo) You enter a prompt or tell the AI what script subject you want to be written. Then after a short wait, you will have a script for your next YouTube video. It's completely free and requires no sign-up so try it out! I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you! July 6, 2023 at 02:52AM
Show HN: A Swift app I made in 4 months with no prior experience
Show HN: A Swift app I made in 4 months with no prior experience I have always dreamed of learning Swift and creating apps for iOS, but I never found the motivation to do so. I was scared by the complexity and the learning curve of programming with UIKit and Storyboard. I thought they were too complicated and too boring for me. But then I discovered SwiftUI, the new framework for building user interfaces for Apple platforms. I was captivated by its simplicity and elegance. I watched some videos and read some articles about it and I was blown away by what it could do. I decided to give it a shot and see if I could learn it and make something with it. I set myself a goal: to build my first SwiftUI app in 4 months. I had no prior experience or knowledge of programming with Swift, so I started from zero. I downloaded Xcode and opened a new SwiftUI project. I followed the "100 Days of SwiftUI", a free course by Paul Hudson that taught me the basics of SwiftUI and Swift. I learned how to use SwiftUI's declarative syntax to create the user interface components, such as buttons, lists, text fields and navigation bars. I also learned how to use some of the built-in features of SwiftUI, such as animations, transitions, gestures and dark mode. This free course gave me everything that I needed to build a stunning app from scratch. This course was so good that I decided to buy other Swift books from the author. Thank you Paul for creating such a great course! (Here is the course link: ) I decided to build a simple and elegant mood tracking app that syncs across all your iOS devices. I called it MoodUp. I wanted to make it easy and intuitive for users to track and analyze their moods anytime, anywhere. I used CloudKit, a cloud service that provides database and asset storage for apps, to store and sync the mood data. I learned how to use CloudKit's APIs to create, update, delete and fetch records from the cloud database. After 4 months of hard work, learning and fun, I finally finished my first SwiftUI app. I was proud of what I had achieved and eager to share it with the world. However, my app is still in pre-order mode and won't be available until July 7th. This is because I wanted to make sure that everything works smoothly and there are no major bugs or issues before releasing it to the public. I submitted my app to the App Store for review and waited for approval. A few days later, I received an email from Apple saying that my app was approved and ready for pre-order. I was overjoyed and excited with tears. I launched my app on the App Store and announced it here on Hacker News, hoping to get some attention and feedback from the community. That's how I went from zero to SwiftUI and built my first app in 4 months. It was a challenging but rewarding journey that taught me a lot about SwiftUI, Swift, CloudKit and app development in general. I hope you enjoyed reading my story and maybe got inspired to start your own SwiftUI project. If you want to check out my app, you can pre-order it for free from the App Store here: Please upvote and pre-order the app for free if you like it because as a small indie developer, I need your support. Thank you for reading! July 5, 2023 at 01:29PM
Show HN: Unified interface for TypeScript schema validations (zod yup)
Show HN: Unified interface for TypeScript schema validations (zod, yup) Hi, all! I launched TypeSchema to help library developers like me (and product developers as well) decouple their code from specific validation libraries (like `zod` or `yup`) and make them more plug-n-play. Appreciate the feedback! July 5, 2023 at 07:07PM
Show HN: Interest based networking app using AI to match on varied interests
Show HN: Interest based networking app using AI to match on varied interests A interest based networking app using AI to match and categorize infinite interests. Unlike other apps having given set of interests, here user can match on any valid interest July 5, 2023 at 02:49PM
Show HN: Lemon AI open-source Zapier NLA to empower agents
Show HN: Lemon AI – open-source Zapier NLA to empower agents Hi HN, excited to share this open source Zapier NLA alternative I’ve been working on. A few weeks ago I found myself struggling to automate a relatively straightforward internal workflow using an open source LLM (update Hubspot based on Airtable entry and personal information coming from web sources, and send out a summary via Slack). There was no way to interact with these tools in a robust way so I decided to build my own connectors. While the existing connectors out there are helpful to reduce the risk of hallucinations by reading data from sources, agents only become truly powerful when they are able to reliably perform workflows for us. For this, my view is that a secure and robust way to execute write operations is needed. Lemon AI allows for both read and write operations in various tools - even if you work with open source LLMs. It can be used in combination with Langchain and allows for easy integration with your existing agents. I would love your feedback on what can be improved! July 5, 2023 at 03:29PM
Show HN: AI-powered personal shopping assistant for Shopify stores
Show HN: AI-powered personal shopping assistant for Shopify stores July 5, 2023 at 08:47AM
Tuesday, 4 July 2023
Show HN: CodePerfect a fast lightweight IDE for Go
Show HN: CodePerfect, a fast, lightweight IDE for Go July 5, 2023 at 04:15AM
Show HN: Zero to High School (v2)
Show HN: Zero to High School (v2) Version 2 enable users to read lighter PDF (with complete chapters). Happy learning. July 5, 2023 at 01:02AM
Show HN: Hackerman.AI Level up your coding skills with AI-generated programs
Show HN: Hackerman.AI – Level up your coding skills with AI-generated programs July 4, 2023 at 09:41AM
Show HN: Customize Google Forms and embed to your website
Show HN: Customize Google Forms and embed to your website July 4, 2023 at 01:30PM
Show HN: PivotJS Framework for Startup Founders
Show HN: PivotJS Framework for Startup Founders An open-source React+Redux+Express framework for startup founders who care more about sales than performance July 4, 2023 at 07:27AM
Monday, 3 July 2023
Show HN: Latent Workers AI-Powered Market Insights at Your Fingertips
Show HN: Latent Workers – AI-Powered Market Insights at Your Fingertips Hey HN, introducing Latent Workers – an AI tool that sifts through market and breaking news, and serves you the essentials. Perfect for investors and analysts wanting to stay informed without the information overload. It monitors markets, analyzes news, and sends real-time recommendations. It’s free to get started. Would love to hear what you think! July 4, 2023 at 04:54AM
Show HN: A package manager for Autonomous AI tools
Show HN: A package manager for Autonomous AI tools I've just started AutoPack, which is a repository and python package of tools designed specifically for autonomous AI systems. Right now it's just LangChain but adding Auto-GPT and others isn't very hard. July 4, 2023 at 12:38AM
Show HN: JobLens AI-powered job search for 'Who Is Hiring'
Show HN: JobLens – AI-powered job search for 'Who Is Hiring' There are existing HN job aggregators, but I thought we could take it a step further. Inspired by an insightful comment on a previous thread ( ), I built a tool that aggregates job postings and intelligently categorizes them based on user-specific preferences: * Country and remote work preferences * Employer type (e.g., startup, corporation, government) * Industry * Technologies used * Role type (developer, architect, product owner, etc.) * Salary range (where available) One of the superpowers of LLMs is reformatting information from any format X to any other format Y. We leverage this to map all the unstructured job postings into the same unified structure. The new GPT functions feature and the extended context windows are really helpful for this. Instead of having to build a custom NER pipeline, it works very well with GPT out-of-the box. One challenge is keeping the filters consistent and merging of duplicates. Embeddings help with that. What's next: * Integrate additional sources. We can generate web scrapers and data processing steps on the fly that extract and transform data into the same structure. * Add location distance filters. * Expand beyond jobs to monitor personalized data like events or real estate. Imagine using AI to rate local events from multiple sources based on your preferences, considering factors like your interests and distance from home. * Smaller improvements based on your feedback :) July 3, 2023 at 04:16PM
Show HN: I've built a tool for async status check-ins to avoid DAILY meetings
Show HN: I've built a tool for async status check-ins to avoid DAILY meetings July 3, 2023 at 01:56PM
Show HN: GIF to ASCII Art
Show HN: GIF to ASCII Art July 3, 2023 at 09:46AM
Show HN: React Native SDK for Passkeys
Show HN: React Native SDK for Passkeys July 3, 2023 at 06:19AM
Show HN: Python can make 3M WebSocket keys per second
Show HN: Python can make 3M+ WebSocket keys per second July 3, 2023 at 08:06AM
Sunday, 2 July 2023
Show HN: Prototype for ETH Signing for endorsing Wikipedia updates
Show HN: Prototype for ETH Signing for endorsing Wikipedia updates Wikipedia suffers from vandalism. We built a prototype for making endorsement from cryptographically signed signature using Ethereum wallet (e.g. MetaMask) July 3, 2023 at 02:14AM
Show HN: Eddie A Smart Video Editor with Python [Seeking Feedback]
Show HN: Eddie – A Smart Video Editor with Python [Seeking Feedback] Eddie the Smart Video Editor is a Python script that automates the process of editing videos based on specific code-words you say while recording the video. It takes a video file, converts it into an audio file, transcribes the audio to text using OpenAI's Whisper API and identifies segments between specified code-words. It then cuts out these segments from the original video, removes any silence and produces a new edited video file ready for the final touches. False recording starts are also okay as it only matches the last occurrence of the 'start' code-word when the next code-word is the 'end' code-word. I wanted to jump into the far deepest of deep ends and ask for feedback please. I am kind of scared of you all tbh but I value learning more than crapping my pants. Thank you. July 2, 2023 at 11:38PM
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